Was it just me ('cause I had to watch 2/3 of the episode on mute *grumble*), or did Heroes suck this week? Even the continuation of Hiro and Ando's Excellent Adventures felt slow and failed to completely charm.
I'm not watching Code Geass (but the art looks CLAMPish and pretty), but you don't need to watch the show to be amused by
this. (Ah, 懐かしい~~. The Pizza Hut by me was two or three stops east on the Keihan train. So I would walk there, order, read until it was ready, take the train home, and have a still-hot pizza in the comfort of my apartment. Bonus: unlike the local pizza-ya, there was no びっくり corn or potatoes.)
The pictures on
the banner for dracoandginny.com are freaking me out. The first and third look EXACTLY, and I do mean EXACTLY because I have seen those expressions on her face, like one of my cousins. I'm glad she's not a redhead, because then I would never be able to look her in the face again. Thank god for Adblock.
Speaking of redheads...after seeing
wednesday_10_00's inspiring posts, I remembered that I have a box of dye in my bathroom, and I think I'm gonna use it tomorrow. If it doesn't work, then I'll have to get a different box. Damn my need to grow my hair out! I'm not going to pay megabucks to get it professionally done because my hair is (noticeably) past my shoulders now. I've been trying to grow out my hair because my hair is curly, and it subtracts. Curly hair = actual length - approx. six inches. And, yes, the grass is always greener, yadda yadda, familiarity breed contempt...but I also kinda like it. I have a very complicated relationship with my hair.
Curly Hair Pros:
- Can occasionally look gorgeous, even though you haven't even washed it.
- Fun to play with.
- Strangers coo over your hair (surprisingly, does not end after childhood).
- You become adept at telling if a person has a perm.
- Gives thin hair volume.
- If it's long, my bed head looks fabulous.
Curly Hair Cons:
- Humidity becomes your archnemesis.
- Blow dryers become your archnemeses.
- Brushes and combs become your archnemeses.
- Sixth grade. Need I say more?
- You are constantly on the prowl for products that actually keep your hair moisturized and styled.
- If it's short, my bed head makes me look like Don King.