It has come to my attention that y'all do not, in fact,
respect my musical authority. (Self-deputized musical authoritais, represent!) That's okay. It's cool; I understand. :( :( :( :( :( :( *emo tear*
Also, I'm gonna spoil the rest of my kinda sorta OTP list.
OMG DUN LOOK!!!juuichi!!
I think I had a conversation with my mom after I decided to get shit-faced a few days ago, but (a) I was drunk and (b) I was asleep, so I'm sure I came off brilliantly.
One thing I had reinforced is that I am extremely conscientious when intoxicated: I started new uploads, deleted old files, posted to LJ (which I deleted upon awakening; yay, delete button!), and put my laptop and MD player in safe places before going to sleep. This resulted in massive confusion when I awoke, but was also a little cool.