It kind of amazes me that I love Grey's Anatomy so much, because I hate the patient-of-the-day obviousness, the main character (most of the time), lots of canon from Season 2, and Shonda's insistence on shoving Mer/Der down our throats. I think it's a testament to the sheer acting talent on the show, and the writing that has endeared me to several of the characters.
McSteamy coming out of the steamy bathroom...DAMN. Although I hate that it somehow makes Derek's cheating okay. Whatever, Shonda!
Burketina continues to delight. And Daddy Burke being all "hang in there" to Cristina was all sorts of awesome. Momma Burke is scary and sexist and wow. Cristina rocked with her "oh yeah? Tulane? Well, I graduated first in my class from STANFORD." I did not expect Preston to be a mama's boy.
Izzy, as much as I love her, should not be allowed back into the program. Bailey, as much as I love her, is just wrong about this.
Drunk!Addison is awesome. Mere actually deciding on something = awesome. Callie! Callie and the chief! Callie and George! I think I love Callie, who is most definitely hot and awesome.
Shonda's huge crush on McJerkwad? NOT. AWESOME.
ETA: WTF is a Sendspace link to the second episode doing on
Wikipedia's Season 3 episode guide? Not that I'm complaining or anything; Dad was laughing awfully loud in places.