Aug 23, 2006 10:57
I...I've fallen in love with the mean girl from high school. Oh, Janelle. Couldn't you have just stayed the bitchy blond who went after all the women in the house? Why did you have to call Will out while smoking like some film noir vixen (albeit one who was drinking Bud Light instead of a G&T)? That was awesome. Oh! And your "fight" with James, when he complained that you kicked him, and you flipped him off and said, "well, you broke my nail!" Seriously? That was the funniest thing I've seen all week. Allying yourself with Chicken George and seeming happy about it? Sucking up to Will and then vowing to evict Chilltown?
Janelle: is seriously bringing the awesome now that her alliance has exploded. I don't even care now that she hates women!
James: you a whining whiner and I'm soooooooo looking forward to Thursday to see your ass evicted.
George: when a word starts with a vowel, such as "alliance," you need to use "an." Not "a."
Mike: you + power = a combination that annoys the hell out of me.
Will: love you and love your Diary Room recaps. Also love the fact that you might be (*gasp!*) wrong about Janelle.
Danielle & Erika: were you in this episode? (Also: Plz vote to evict James.)
big brother