I think they're actually calling carrying this year in the Tourney.

Mar 18, 2005 01:25

So. The divine convergence of March Madness starting and St. Patrick's Day? Equals the crazy.

Doing some clean-up of my bookmarks--seriously, I have to scroll and scroll to get anywhere and it's tiresome. On to the recs.

DC Related Fanfics

A quick note on the term "Elseworlds": Elseworlds is pretty much what it says, being alternate universe stories with characters or other elements from the DC universe. DC tried to streamline their continuity in the mid 1980s by getting rid of Bizarro, Earth-2, and all the other alternate storylines, and I suspect Elseworlds is a way for DC to have its cake (alternate realities) and eat it too (it doesn't count because it's Elseworlds).

Rappacini's Last Laugh by Allaine
I love the Harley/Ivy dynamic that sprang out of Batman: The Animated Series, so it's always good to see well-written fics about them. This is an Elseworlds fanfic in which Poison Ivy is the one obsessed with her man, and Harley is her snarky psychiatrist in Arkham. Ongoing.

Trinity by Roll
DC put out a TPB a bit ago with a revamped "How the Big Three met" story full of continuity problems (particularly on Wonder Woman's part). It's a lovely story, which encouraged lots of fanfic writers to re-imagine how Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman first interacted with each other. I'd classify this Elseworlds as well. Very violent. Perhaps not worth reading since it's unfinished and going to stay that way. (The author says he's revamped it as a screenplay, which you can't post on ff.net, but can email him for.)

Trinity: Remixed by SelDear
Another Trinity Elseworlds fic with a nicely original power for Diana. It's complete, which is the only problem, because this story will leave you wanting more.

The Fuzzy End of the Lollipop by Merlin Missy
You can never have enough gender switching. Wonderful character studies in this; Merlin Missy's seems to know exactly how these characters would react. Set in the animated Justice League universe with elements of the comics in there. Complete.

The Next Best Thing to Normal by Merlin Missy
Another excellent fic with various lines that were so good they gave me goosebumps. And his name is JASON. *dies* Just. So. Perfect.

A Quiet Sigh of Relief by thete1
Harley/Ivy. Lovely fic. Te's a great writer; I'm so jealous.

Iron to Iron by SelDear
Animated Justice League fic. Spoilers for "Starcrossed" and some season 3 spoilers too, most likely. Wonder Woman does not forgive easily. Complete.

A Girl's Gotta Protect Her Reputation by chris dee
Catwoman takes offense to what the newspapers are printing about her and takes to the stage. Wonderful Catwoman voice and characterization. Very funny. Part of a very long series, but this can stand alone.

Catharsis by Driftwood
Major spoilers for "Starcrossed." Basically a reworking of the episode that has Batman reevaluate his life. The shakeup is so major that I could realistically accept the pairing at the end. Complete.

Escape Artistry by David Hines
WOW. Set in (kinda) the animated JL universe, Batman learns of Wonder Woman's weakness to being tied up by a man and starts to teach her how to free herself. Consensual bondage warning. Perfect ending warning as well. Highly, highly recommended. The other fics by David Hines on ff.net are as well.

Four-Color Heroines Archive
Challenge fics about the female of the DCU.

dcfic_index Archive
A huge resource with tons of links to well-written fanfiction on LJ. Links are in the memories section, and it can be helpful to know all of the character's aliases.

Time Wasters/Interesting Things

I am a Japanese School Teacher
Think Japan is all politeness and rainbows and cute? Think again. Home of the infamous "Gaijin Smash!" rant that wednesday_10_00 linked to a while ago.

Life After Roe
However you come down on the abortion debate, this is a very interesting argument to consider. This article has caused quite a kerfluffle in the pro-choice movement.

Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Debunks the myths attached to various religions. Interesting to me because I've always wanted to take a comparative religions class; I've just never had the time.

Google Fight
What is more popular? Well, now you can find out! (I was surprised to see that Naruto quite handily beat most other anime titles I could think of.)

The Big Book of Fandom & Internet Law
As someone studying the law, this is vastly amusing. Associated with fandom_wank.

Neurotically Yours
Worship Foamy!

Handy dandy word counter!
This and MS Word's word count always disagree. It's fun.

Six Things You Don't Know About Michigan
I actually knew most of these; for instance, the Vernors sign used to be in the downtown before they destroyed the building it was on. Read this and then read all the rest.

Michigan Accent: Unique Words and Phrases
As sort of a corollary to the above, an interesting group of words apparently only used in my fair state. I had no idea.

Recent Developments in the Study of the Great European Witch Hunt
"Never again the burning times"? Darling, the "burning times" never happened. Fluffypagan repellent.

Comics 101
Everything you've wanted to know but were too afraid of looking bad to the other geeks to ask.

Crack: the Best Internet Drug

Batman: New Times
Legos. Animated legos. With the voices of Adam West, Mark Hamill, Courtney Thorne-Smith, and Dick Van Dyke. I...have no words.

The AOLer Translator
Because writing OMG LOL WTF U R SO MAEN!!eleventy-one! without it is physically painful.

Random DC-Verse Fic Scenario Generator
I'm a dork and will do these even if I don't intend to write fanfiction. It's amusing.

Random DC-Verse Porn Story Generator
Same as above, except this one makes me giggle more.

Something I found while poking around GAFF. Lord of the Rings badspelling sporking, which is always funny.

...aaand I've been doing this for two hours, so it's time to stop now. I've made a sizable dent! Yay!


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