Feb 15, 2016 19:13
Finally catch up on The Mindy Project, where the writers have decided that Danny is a mysogynistic, abusive asshole in the last 3 episodes despite 57 episodes where he was the charming yet prickly love interest: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
Finally catch up on The 100, where the writers have decided that Bellamy is dumber than a bag of rocks and would agree to killing people for no reason (a move that would endanger Clarke and Lincoln and HIS GODDAMN REASON FOR LIVING, OCTAVIA): (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
So, naturally, I dropped The Mindy Project. (Delinquents 5evar!)
the 100,
you had me and you should've lost me,
the mindy project,
you had me and you lost me