Hey, Apple, when you update iTunes, could you please not erase cover art? I spent a lot of time looking for information on free songs that existed oh-so-briefly in the mid-2000s and now some of the art that I managed salvage/make into covers (from websites that don't exist anymore) is gone. And, of course, I didn't save said art, because why would I? It's attached to the song now, right?
So it's incredibly pathetic, but I seriously want to cry right now.
Okay, let's be honest here. You haven't been reading these reviews. Whether because you're scared of spoilers, or aren't interested in Moribito, either one. Since the latter is inconceivable, I'm going to respect the former in the following paragraphs.
So Balsa, Chagum, Tanda, and Torogai head to the place they are going. They get stuck in the mountains for a while, which sucks because are there people hot on their tail? Oh, yes. Yes, there are people who don't want the group to go to the place that has the thing that they need.
The death I mentioned comes into play in this volume, complicating a ton of relationships.
Also, Chagum meets a really cute Yakoo girl, and I am shipping them idly as I watch, contemplating such questions as "How marginalized are the Yakoo, anyway?" and "Would the mikado try to kill his son again for marrying a Yakoo, or would it be a good PR move for the palace?" and "Hmm, don't these two kinda remind me of Zuko and Katara?"
I bet we never see her again. *sulks*
Balsa and Chagum have a family bonding moment. It goes approximately how you would think a bonding moment between a woman raised to be a warrior and a confused and frightened little boy would go.
Tanda is not shown nearly enough love, while Torogai continues to be all HBIC of talking. And in the end, everyone has plenty of time to get to know each other better, ifyouknowwhatimean. And you absolutely don't, because I am trying to be as vague as fuck.
Can't wait to watch the next volume tomorrow.