I should be working on my essay right now.
Ulquiorra is such a meanie in front of Orihime <3
BTW, I don't think she's gone to the dark side. She's merely getting Azien + co. to like her....and trust her..... then WHAM!
Anyways, while the whole Ulqy/Ori chit-chat was going on, Ichigo and Renji were creating a "door" (by door I mean making a huge hole in the wall).
God, they're such dorks.
Also, Nell has redeemed herself for this little number:
Nell: If you don’t take us with you, we’ll be killed!! If you don’t take us…if you don’t…I’ll…
Nell: I’ll cry!! Waaaaaaaaaaaa!!! WAAAAAAA!!!
Nell: Stupid Ichigo…baldie….
Nell: Doodiehead…!!
Ichigo: I got, I got it!! Stop crying!!
Nell: Impotent/Limpdick!!
Ichigo: I’m not impotent!!
Rukia: What are you shouting?
Nell: VIRGIN!!
Ichigo: I said shut up!!
Word. Word, Nell.
And once again, Renji fails at life :D
Ishida: Oh…that’s quite the small light you got there. I didn’t know you were the conservative type…
Renji: Oh shut up!
Arghhhh..... it was executed so poorly. After Part II started, Naruto has been full of fail, and just when I think it's getting back on track this shit happens. Asuma's death has nothing to do with it-----rather, how his death was presented. Dude, he went out like a little punk bitch. THIS IS ASUMA WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. What I don't get is all this talk of "omg there's nothing I can do, he's hit too many vital points." when, like, a chapter ago, they were like "HE'S GOT A PULSE! WE'RE GOOD OVER HERE!" If it was that bad, he would have died a chapter ago. Not good story telling, Kishi >:(
I love Oda's color spreads. Luffy looks hot in that shirt, not to mention Robin <33
LOL, leave it to Oda to pull off this completely random stuff! Who would have thought..... of all people....that Vice Admiral Garp was Luffy's Grandpa? Looks like he brought Coby and Helmeppo with him. I wanna see how they've improved *__*