RAW version available
here | Subbed version by Underwater fansubs available
here (I was waiting for their release to make the post).
Impressions (spoilers ahead):
- This episode was slightly more interesting the the previous two, I think the plot is starting to get a shape here...
- Food, food, food, this is CLAMP, after all (and the preview for episode 4 shows more food).
- They are giving too much attention to the fact that very little happens in the town, I think... and we don't see much of the citizens either...
- The fact that Saya's father can only drink weak coffee: suspicious. AND he wouldn't eat the Guimauve thing...
- The Motome twins are so dramatic xD Love them!
- What's with the hipster dog? xD
- The part with the baker was very sinister O___o Much more sinister than the bizarre creature that showed up later (seriously enough with the bizarre creatures!). Who else thought of Ueda? =D Thank god it wasn't him, right? He didn't deserve to die that way...
- I would like this series more if scenes like the one with the possessed baker happened more often.
- Out of the 3 episodes aired so far, this was the most interesting to watch, in my opinion, and that's good because I had really bad impressions for the first 2 episodes.