Kobato. TV Anime #12 (Updated)

Jan 05, 2010 22:39

RAW version by [Leopard-Raws] | Torrent

EDIT: Subbed version by [gg] | Torrent

This episode was particularly well-animated, I loved the animation here =)

The episode was heavy in plot too, it reveals some information that were revealed very recently in the manga.

Love to see some new Wish characters! I hope they will eventually appear more, and moving around hopefully! xD

The bits with Sayaka and Fujimoto tying the bow in Ioryogi were so funny! XDDDD

I love the scenes within the Baumkuchen shop XD They are so well-animated too, specially Genko, I like the color and shading of his fur xD

I didn't understand some parts of the conversation between Ioryogi and Ginsei, for example, I don't know what Ioryogi said that made Ginsei change his mind about destroying the bottle. Also, the part where we see the origin of the name "Ioryogi" was completely new! So Kobato couldn't say "Iorogi" properly and that's how "Ioryogi" came upon. I wonder if we can consider that as canon since it hasn't been revealed in the manga yet. But having Ohkawa on the staff makes me think it's canon. I thought he was hiding his real name from Kobato, but apparently Ioryogi had no problem in revealing his real name to her. I'm not sure how much about Ioryogi Kobato knows, probably nothing xD

This is the first time that Kobato sees Ginsei, but she didn't make any big questions about him to Ioryogi... hummm... well, you could say "it's Kobato..." =/

I think Kohaku's appearance was rather random, but okay, just so we know he still lives xD

They still haven't said anything about Kobato not being able to remove her hat....

The acting of Inada and Namikawa were so good! For a moment I really forgot that I knew them from previous animes.

Next episode is already Autumn! Aren't we moving too fast through the seasons? Didn't she have like 4 seasons as deadline? Will it be extended? I'm starting to think they will leave the Bazaar for the final episodes...

The animation for the upcoming episode looks pretty neat, and finally a new costume for Kobato!

review, kobato, kobato tv anime, news

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