Hi everyone! Yesterday was amazing, I saw CLAMP for the very first time!! It was at the opening of the CLAMP art exposition from Paris. I plan to do a more detailed report, with pictures and videos, not only from yesterday but also the next upcoming events concerning CLAMP in Paris, once I'm settled down because ever since I came here I haven't got too much "computer time" ^^'
In the meantime, please check
kei_san77-san's great report from CLAMP's appearance at the opening of their exhibition
Here's a video with Mokona shot by me! They were all extremely nice and polite to everyone, as you can see from the video.
Click to view
I've met some few LJers already and it has been great, here's hoping that I shall meet a few more of you!
EDIT: Here are two more videos. The first one is from CLAMP's arrival to the place and the second one is after they came out of the building where they were interviewed by three local TV channels, and they kindly spoke to everyone who was waiting outside for them.
Click to view
Click to view