TRC 222 !

Jun 08, 2009 16:08

Gah! The silence is over once more!

Scans available at MangaHelpers. Translations here.

So sad to see Yuuko saying her role has been accomplished *bawls* And she says she's going to where Clow is *bawls some more* RIP Yuuko! ;__;

New reborn life of clone!Sakura! She studies in the same school as Umi, Hikaru and Fuu! I had totally lost hope for these 3 but Ohkawa managed to fit them in ♥

When I saw the spoilers I was a little confused, I thought Sakura had been transferred to their school in Hong Kong, but reading the translation, it seems that Sakura already studied in the same school as Umi, Hikaru and Fuu (in Japan or whatever the country) and they are doing a trip in Hong Kong.

But wait a minute, I know Umi, Hikaru and Fuu studied in different schools in MKR, but maybe they started studying in the same school after the end of MKR2? We never know...

I want to think that this Hong Kong is not AU. I want to think this is our Hong Kong and that these are our MKR girls.

If the theory "the clones are the parents" is correct (which gets stronger with every chapter), they need to be reborn in a family that is related to Clow Reed. One of them, at least. And it would be perfect if this Syaoran here was born in the Li family. Although how come nobody ever told CCS!Syaoran about a relative that looks exactly like him? XD

Anyway, anyhow, I think these issues are easy to solve.

I love that Sakura loves to travel and visit different places because she hopes to find Syaoran, and Ohkawa made Hikaru say that she looks mature just to put some emphasis on the fact that Sakura kept all her memories from her previous life.

The scene with the reencounter is fucking BEAUTIFUL it hurts. But at the same time it was so rushed, LOL xD It almost didn't feel like they missed each other that much *gets shot*

I like the pacing very much in here, that's exactly what I was expecting. They reborn and met each other again in 16 pages, good.

Not sure how CLAMP will make the big revelation that they are the parents, now. Showing Jr. as their kid? Showing them going to the tube? We shall see.

tsubasa manga

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