The serialization of Satsuki Igarashi's column Chipmunk Cheeks has ended in the current issue of Newtype magazine. The information comes from the column itself, which announces its final installment:
Satsuki's monthly essays were being published in the magazine since March/2002 and no explanation has been given for the cancellation.
The good news is that a book compiling all essays is planned to be released soon.
I'm really going to miss it, I really liked all the random illustrations and it's always a pleasure to be able to actually read the essays (that is, when translations were available). It was also a guarantee that there would be at least one CLAMP feature in every Newtype issue.
I always wondered whether these essays would become a book one day, but I didn't think it would have to end serialization for that to happen (I expected volumes, LOL, I'm so optimistic!)
Looking forward to the book! =)