It seems like Onitsuka Chihiro and Maaya Sakamoto are the official singers for Tsubasa ^^ Ohkawa had listened to "Sign" (Chihiro) to write a chapter of the Hanshin arc and "Spika" (Maaya) to write one of the Tokyo arc X3
I had to check cuz for a sec I thought they were British, haha. But they're a Canadian alternative rock band xD They've won many awards and were all over MTV for a long time tho, so it startles me when someone hasn't heard of them XDD
And I read your interview, it was very nice XD It was like watching a TV/magazine interview by professionals, LOL ♥
I was tagged to do that meme today too xD things in LJ spread like diseases xDD
And OMG, I just SO want Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows... I'm planning on buying it in english; I don't think I can wait half a year for reading it (Spanish version is always released 6 months later ;__;)
>I'm planning on buying it in english; I don't think I can wait half a year for reading it (Spanish version is always released 6 months later ;__;)
The Brazilian edition will be released on November, but EVEN if it were released on July, I would still buy the english version, it's SO much better to read it in english X33 And it's quite an easy reading, if I can do it, you can! XD
I've never read it in english. You say it's an easy reading?? Well, then I think I'll try it. Reading in english is easier for me to speaking or writing it.
Também quero DH :( Acho que vou comprar em inglês.
Vc já leu o MST de HBP feito num LJ? Um cara que não gosta de Harry Potter leu HBP e comentou capítulo por capítulo, dando uma nota no final de cada um. Ele é bem sarcástico, mas a coisa toda é hilariante, e vale muito a pena ler. Se ele está numa parte chata, ele insere personagens de Dragon Ball, Transformers, Lanterna Verde e faz uma tremenda maluquice. O legal é que, mesmo não gostando de HP, ele admite se gostou de uma parte ou se achou uma cena bem escrita. Ele mete bronca na crítica, mas é bem gente fina.
Mais recentemente ele também fez a mesma coisa com Prisioneiro de Azkaban e Pedra Filosofal XD esses dois se saíram bem piores no conceito dele...
Comments 31
>what the hell was in Ohkawa's head. XD
We'll know by the next chapters XD
There, now you've heard Our Lady Peace, LOL
That 'do you close the door when you pee' question always disturbs me. If you don't close the door, who wants to know? xDDD
*hugs* Thank you for the update XDDD
*downloads them*
Quite cool!! o.o Which country are they from? I really had never heard their music *hides*
>If you don't close the door, who wants to know? xDDD
I guess if you live alone you can answer that you don't close the door XDDD
*hugs back!* You're welcome! Thanks for your comment ^__^
And I read your interview, it was very nice XD It was like watching a TV/magazine interview by professionals, LOL ♥
Canadian, huh? Interesting.
>And I read your interview, it was very nice XD It was like watching a TV/magazine interview by professionals, LOL ♥
Hahaha really? That makes me happy, thanks! =^^=
And OMG, I just SO want Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows... I'm planning on buying it in english; I don't think I can wait half a year for reading it (Spanish version is always released 6 months later ;__;)
Tell me about it xDD
I left you a comment on your meme, btw! X3
>I'm planning on buying it in english; I don't think I can wait half a year for reading it (Spanish version is always released 6 months later ;__;)
The Brazilian edition will be released on November, but EVEN if it were released on July, I would still buy the english version, it's SO much better to read it in english X33 And it's quite an easy reading, if I can do it, you can! XD
You say it's an easy reading?? Well, then I think I'll try it. Reading in english is easier for me to speaking or writing it.
*runs to see the comment at the meme*
Vc já leu o MST de HBP feito num LJ? Um cara que não gosta de Harry Potter leu HBP e comentou capítulo por capítulo, dando uma nota no final de cada um. Ele é bem sarcástico, mas a coisa toda é hilariante, e vale muito a pena ler. Se ele está numa parte chata, ele insere personagens de Dragon Ball, Transformers, Lanterna Verde e faz uma tremenda maluquice. O legal é que, mesmo não gostando de HP, ele admite se gostou de uma parte ou se achou uma cena bem escrita. Ele mete bronca na crítica, mas é bem gente fina.
Mais recentemente ele também fez a mesma coisa com Prisioneiro de Azkaban e Pedra Filosofal XD esses dois se saíram bem piores no conceito dele...
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