Title: Dear Marianne
Fandom: Hetalia
Characters/Pairing: Fem!France, England, and Germany. FrUk
Rating: G (Maybe T later on?)
Chapter: 1/?
Summary: Who knew having a baby would be so hard?
Notes: Written for aftermath...athon prompt: femfrance having pregnancy troubles (trouble getting pregnant or trouble during pregnancy, physical and/or emotional, up to you) and arthur being with her every step of the way.
Chapter 1|
Chapter 2|
Chapter 3|
This isn't the first time that Arthur has sat with Marianne like this. His wife lets out a quiet sob and all Arthur can do is continually rub circles on her small shaky hand.
Ludwig enters. He’s a doctor, their doctor. He is a nice young man with a stern face no matter the news.
"I'm sorry," Ludwig frown deepens, "you've lost the baby."
Marianne finally allows herself to openly grieve. Arthur lets his tears silently flow.
The first time, they hadn’t even known that Marianne was pregnant at all. They were at the theatre when she was experiencing strong pains. Then the massive amounts of bleeding between her legs. They thought she was having a bad period because she skipped a month. When they got to the hospital they had figured out she had a miscarriage.
This time.
This time hurt more. Because they knew they were going to have a baby. They were planning what to paint the nursery.
"I have some theories I would like to run some tests." Ludwig finally says, "But in a week or so after you recover."
Marianne gently runs her hand over her flat abdomen, "you might have a reason why...I--I..."
"Why you miscarry? Yes. Please just get some rest right now. Maybe take a few days off work to rest."
The ride home was deafening for Arthur. Every once and a while Marianne would let out a soft sob in the passenger seat.
Arthur always wanted to give Marianne children. Long before Marianne started teaching art at one of the local high schools, she taught second grade.
It was back when they first were dating. Arthur happened to watch exchanges between her an the children quiet on accident, but he deemed her nature far too beautiful with the children that he decided, no matter what he'd give her one of her own.
And she's always expressed to Arthur that she wanted a big family ever since childhood.
"Maybe...maybe we should stop trying." She asks looking dejectedly out the window.
Arthur’s grip on the steering wheel tightens, “You’re only saying that because-“
“I’m saying it because maybe we’re not supposed to have children at all.” Her beautiful blue eyes are an angry red from crying.
“You’re just upset.”
She gives him a death glare that says to him she doesn’t have the time or the effort to prove him wrong.
Arthur sleeps on the couch for the next three days.
The morning after the third day Marianne sits beside him after he wakes in the morning resting her head on his shoulder.
“Maybe…Maybe I’m wrong.”
"What's brought on this change of heart?" Arthur asks bringing her hand to his lips lightly kissing the knuckles.
"He-the doctor wanted to set up an appointment for testing. He said it’s too early to give up on a baby." Arthur doesn't have to look at her to know she was smiling, "things like this happen. Just have to keep trying. So I thought maybe you were right."
"Of course I'm right," Arthur replies.
She smacks him on the chest, "don't get ahead of your self.”
“We go in on Thursday." She smiles and attempts to saunter away.
“We?” Arthur asks pulling on her wrist.
“Well you are the one that said making babies is a two man sport.”
I apologies for the shortness for the chapter! I just think that this is a good place to stop. I also just wanted to know if I was on the right track for the prompt. (Who ever is the OP I hope I do you proud.) I'll try to get more out right away!