Study leave due to my exams. English language and psychology on 16th May, English literature on 21st May, and history on 2nd June. At least my exams end relatively early, in comparison to those who still have maths on 6th June. Ouch. But, I don't know how to cope with two exams on 16th, and there's soooo much revision to do. ;_; *sigh
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I have my RS GCSE on Wednesday, so I know how you feel. I have study leave the entire morning and stuffs, so. Fun times with the British Schooling system, eh?
(If I was to email you about betaing at any point during your study leave, would I be a pain to do so? I don't want to interfere with your revising and stuffs, so...)
As for beta-ing - I'm so sorry I've had to go before I managed to read through one of your pieces (I actually managed to beta one today! Not yours, but someone else's). As I've said to the other person I helped to beta, feel free to continue sending me stuff. It's fine by me! I'll get to it the minute I'm back from exams. ^^ Can't wait to read them!
Ah, okay, as long as I know I'm not troubling you. :3
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