May 06, 2008 22:24
Feeling better? Is an understatement. God, I feel waaaaay better than I did when I wrote the previous entry. =p I am glad I did that rant though, it helped calm my nerves. And, in the last few hours, I have managed to do more work at home than I have in the last couple of months. ^^;; Heh heh... that is how little I work at home, and I am such a bad student. Now with that late psychology homework and very late English literature homework out of the way, I can breathe a little easier. Of course, there is still the issue of my European history mock tomorrow after lunch, which'll be fab, since I know little, but at least I've kind of glanced over Louis' foreign policy, which is apparently what we'll be tested on. =S *siiigh* So much revision to do, looking over all these notes. o.o Deary me. Plus, there's Peter's stuff to look over too, but whatever. I don't care so much anymore.
Only, we're going over the mocks on Friday lunch time, which is just great, because I'd scheduled my friend's birthday lunch to be then. Meaning I'll have to miss most of it, because I can't not go to this session. Gah.
More revision tomorrow night for the British mock, so don't expect me to write any fanfiction anytime soon. =( I already kind of finished the fourth chapter of 'Sentinel', but... it's not very good, and I want it to be, since it's the climax, besides the epilogue. Meh.