Jan 12, 2010 19:49
Well as much as I didn't want my first journal entry to be a rant, I can't help myself. Alright so I've been attending my college for just over a year. Now when I first came here, I thought everything would be great. The tour was all shiny and nice, I had made several visits where I got lots of good reviews about the school, there seemed to be a ton of support with promise for it to continue and it seemed in a decent area with a convenient bus system. Haha, I think I missed the part where I was supposed to clap and say good show everyone, well done on your performance! Cause I sure as hell didn't pay for all this, the reality I got that was hidden behind a illusion creating mist. Granted I have done well for the time I've been there, I work hard most of the time when it comes to school and do all in my power to at least pass (I stopped overachieving for straight As a long time ago). Despite this I've hit road blocks, meaning incompetent teachers who have no right to be in the business and definitely don't deserve the title of professor or otherwise unless it falls along the lines of corrupt, self-centered, asshat(which are unfashionable by the way, nobody likes an asshat).
Seriously, the corruption! So let me get this straight, students are paying you guys (the college) a shitload of money a day to be taught to understand and learn techniques and skills needed to get their degree, graduate and establish themselves with in the future and you guys are letting them down by giving them incompetent, selfish and uncaring asshats for teachers?! How the fuck does that balance out?! It doesn't! Gahh why do I even set hopes for places like that, knowing that their main concern is money? Sure they'll pamper you with tours and hope but once they've got a hold of your finances they drop you right there and couldn't care less about you so long as your still filling their wallets. Just the society we need here, our future generations will be so obsessed with money and caring only for themselves that they won't notice when the world comes crumbling down around them, they'll be fine so long as they have money in their damn pockets. I hope I'm not alive to see that, it looks pretty damn grim as it is now I'd hate to see it worse.
Alright moving right along to my next subject of rantage. It involves the subjects that I'm sure everyone has encountered. Yes, those wastes of life and space asshats that make it a point to ruin others lives. I can't for the life of me see why certain people find this necessary. In high school or something maybe because that's what they do cause it's cool or some shit. However this is fucking college, what would you gain from making people miserable and causing problems? All you will end up with in the end is loneliness and a lot of enemies, if your really unfortunate constant shunning, bruises, tons of blood, broken bones and many other unpleasant things that will in turn ruin your life. So why do they even bother? Are they so stupid they can't do anything else or are they so stuck in high school that they can't move on? I'm not sure but theses asshats need to just die, if you are only wasting space and time by bothering people you should be arrested and shot down quickly before you corrupt others to be like you or cause permanent harm to society.
One person at the moment I am ready to bring it, she needs to be put in her place and I am sooooo itching to do so. However I'm not sure if that would be going to jail over, unfortunately in this country it is illegal to kill people, granted we shouldn't be able to go hay wire but why deny getting rid of those who are of no use to society and only cause problems? I'm hoping things get straightened out because as angry and frustrated as I am with this asshat, if she doesn't shape up and start acting reasonable I WILL fix her even if I have to scotch up my record for battery or some other bullshit. No one disrespects my friends like this in front of me and they sure as hell don't run like a bitch to another asshat to make things more complicated and miserable for my friends. Seriously if your that damn miserable and don't like being there, get the fuck out and leave people alone and go die in a ditch while your at it I hope you get hit by a fucking truck carrying disease contaminated manure and you fucking drown in it!>< Urghhhh
Now before I get any more carried away than I already am I shall end this entry now. So remember nobody likes asshats, don't be an asshat. Good day!