chibisuzi's Halloween party:
9th_ghost dressed as a new superhero: Bat Gal.
_wishing__star_ dressed as a Level 8 paladin.
bat_scratches dressed as a hooker, though it looked more like Ronald Reagan.
cdsaignement dressed as Britney Spears.
chibifiedzoe didn't dress up, spoilsport.
ivil_livi dressed as Jennifer Aniston.
shardzofwind dressed as a horse.
spazzuchan dressed as Catherine Zeta-Jones.
sushikat dressed as Scooter Libby.
t3am_r0ck3t dressed as the love child of Ben Stiller and Chandra Levy.
taichick5 dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Claire.
tsukinoyagami dressed as a associate dead chicken waver.
wednesday_ghost didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
zeeblue dressed as a rainbow fish.
Throw your own party at the
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