Bangkok 3

Feb 09, 2008 05:40

Day 10 thanks to lack of sleep we all slept in in the am ^-^. In the afternoon on our way out we stopped by this noodle stand near his house for lunch. Was super yummy ^^ big noodles in gravy-like substance with veggies. Apparently Karn eats there a lot so the people supposedly know him lol. Was interesting tho cause they had tables and such and after u place ur order u sit down and they serve u but it was all out doors... AND right next to a major road o.o
After lunch we headed to this exhibit thing. Usually its not only open to the public (only when the gov. feels like it and the last time was over 3 years ago) which I was lucky enough that it just HAPPENED to be open while I was there! First time Karn went to see it as well ^^. So inside was absolutely amazing! European-style architecture but with Thai images (like elephants and thai kings/people etc.) was so interesting ^^. Good that I got to go with Karn as well cause not only can he speak Thai so was able to translate sum of stuff bein said, but he also was asking so many questions I would never even think to ask ^-^ So got even more than the normal experience! Cant remember what we did in the evenin that day mayb that was night went to Sizzler owith Karn o.o?

Day 11 Again slept in ^-^ In the afternoon we headed to the fabric district ^_^ I was in heaven!!! SOOOO many cheap, nice fabrics etc!!!! Unfortunately we got a slightly later start so ended up not gettin to see as much as might've liked but was still good ^^ Got fabric for Suigintou costume gonna make for Karn, whole crapload of ribbon (cause ribbon twice the cost for 1 meter here than 30meters there >.>) spent about $20 in ribbon alone lol!!! And also got zippers for my graduation project! Found super nice ones XD!!! and a couple other things lol. Tho when we were on our way back I realized I didnt buy enough zippers so ended up goin back the next Mon ^^. Again forgot what we did in the evening.

Day 12 Took it easy again in the am. In pm we went out to this area where Might be able to find wigs and the computer mall. Afterwards we met up with a friend of his and went to this place where got this sopecial game for DS which allows u to DL games onto it so dun haveta carry around whole buncha cartridges. Then headed back to Siam, met up with his bro for dinner at Burger King (yesh they have BK in Thailand XD!!!! and altho expensive for thai prices compared to Japan and America pretty reasonable so I was very happy ^____^) After food headed off to church ^_^ (figured we werent gonna be able to wake up for Sun morn service so went to Sat night one ^______^) Was SOOOOOOOO awesome!!!! Definately highlight of the trip! It's still a pretty small church (supposedly up until last summerish they were still meeting in houses, but finally got their own place) but they's growing. Very relaxed atmosphere, few couches and comfy chairs but lotta people just pulled up a cushion and sat on the floor ^-^ They dun have too much "organization" in the sense that just worship how u feel God's telling you too. Rather diff than what I'm used to but it was great seeing it ^-^! Also really awesome to meet the "extended family" hehe ^-^ 's what I love about church is no matter where u go, u know ur always at home because we're worshipping the same God! Really glad Karn came with me as well! He seemed to enjoy it? Just getting him to go back there... hehe stubborn person he is ^.~ but I really feel God has a calling on his life so I'm lookin forward to seeing what miracles might come about ^____^ After service we went to eat tacos YAY ^^ we had already eaten so Karn, his bro and I shared a 3 taco combo just to taste ^-^ I miss my mexican food!!! lol The rest of the group ended up going to Karaoke afterwards but Karn and I decided not to go since were kinda tired. But for sum reason didnt wanna go home just yet so what we do? went to McD's and shared an order of fries and talked lol! By the time we got home it was mayb midnight? hehe

nearing the end, but *TV voice* tune in next time for the final thrilling conclusion to Crystal/Hotaru's trip to Bangkok ^___^
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