Sponsored + made my old layout look weird, and, well, I was getting tired of blue anyway, so I switched over to a dark red. Which is nice. I like dark reds. I wish I knew how to edit that damn blurb out, though; I can't get it to recognize HTML or be otherwise formattable, making it useless to me. I'm not sure how long this layout will stick, but right now, I'm rather fond of it. I quite like reds. Heh, I guess it's appropriate, since according to my horoscope, they are my color. :D The ads aren't annoying me, but if they're particularily annoying to everyone else, I'll stop using this level, I suppose. ^^' Oh, yes, and do ignore the June 1st entry - it's my private testing box for this layout. ^^'
But for now, let's see what other kind of nifty things this level has been hiding....
Now that I've got more userpic space, though, I'm not quite sure how I'll fill that up. I've seen some cute S5 icons I wouldn't mind using, but...I dunno, is it too soon? I still spoiler-cut SV info, and I know there are some people on my friend's list who haven't played it yet. But the character art itself isn't dreadfully spoiley. Not sure what I'll do.
Today's been a slow day, but I find that hasn't been a bad thing. I think I figured out for sure one of my cables for my tv tuner got damaged in the move, which is ...probably the best thing that could have gone wrong, since it'd be the cheapest to replace. Which is also good, since ever since I started playing Suikoden 2, I've been wanting an avatar of
the Euram Barows dance. Oh yes. It may be the best Suikoden dancing ever, that one, and I am including the Gen-Gen and Gabocha (or was it Gon? I can never keep the sidekick Kobolds straight) dance in that estimate.
I also came up with what I believe is the best excuse ever today in answer to the question "Can't you get that?"
And that excuse, ladies and gentlemen, is this: "No! My hands are full of meat!"
...Hmm. You may have had to be there.