I miss those happy music days.

May 14, 2006 02:18

I am very tired, so short entry. My finals are over. :D Now just to wait until grades come out next Wednesday.

For those of ye who have been waiting on a drabble, I've been working on them, and will be finished quite soon - most should be up tomorrow, or, at worst, the day after tomorrow. (Quickest turnaround time ever, for me!)

And if you haven't requested one, please do!. I'm having fun doing them and really would like some more requests to work on. ^_^ Hell, ask for another one if you've gotten one already. So long as it's consensual and not something I'd get arrested for writing, I'm pretty much game for everything. :D

The Spice Girl's movie Spiceworld is on TV right now. Is it sad I kind of miss the Spice Girls? Say what you will about their music - yeah, none of them probably could sing without protools - but at least it was catchy and happy and celebratory, even. Now the pop charts are just dominated by a bunch of screaming emo-boys who write trite lyrics to sluggish songs and the only alternative are hip hop songs where every woman is a whore and every man is a ganster and the whole message is "I am bigger and badder than you."

And I'm so tired of them both. Say what you will about the gleeful pop on the radio, but at least it made the commute to school/work a hell of a lot happier. It's fun to sing along and dance around to "Baby Got Back" or "If You Wanna Be My Lover"; 50 cent and Nich Lachey? Not so much.

debatable sanity, music

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