because i can't help it (part2)!!!

Jan 31, 2011 22:54

A.      Code 2010: I’m a bit reluctant to watch this part initially, as much as I love Ryo I was hoping he would sing a different song for his solo, but since he was soooo busy then I’ll just have to deal with it. What actually made me watch was Ryo wearing only a singlet top. I can’t resist seeing him wear it (the arms!!!!), like I loved to repeatedly watch his initial performance of Code in N.E.W.S just to stare at that lovely neckline (oh so beautifully angular…). I was actually glad he looked better this time as compared to NWPD. Of course, Daisuke - kun on piano is an added bonus.

Now on to the song, Code is actually a great song and the lyrics were really moving. This version was re-arranged and the use of 2 types of guitar was actually a good move. Personally, I enjoyed this less angsty version especially the acoustic part.

Rocker by Heart Ryo

B.      Naiyou no Nai Tegami: A wonderfully written song by Hilchryme, I’m glad NEWS sang this one. Ryo’s introduction was also quite cute. The way the song was presented really good and the small changes done on the red and black costume from the last tour was nice. The individually colored enveloped and handwritten lyrics were a nice touch. I was wondering if that was their handwriting though, at some point it kind of look similar to the way they wrote.

Popping in and out of the stage was also appreciated since it gives focus on the one who sings.

The concert version was arranged differently from the album so it was refreshing to see them form some sort of new subunits (Kei-chan really improved on his singing). Ryo seems to like this song a lot too. I love how each of them was spot - lighted.

Did they wrote it themselves?

C.      Happy Birthday: Since it’s NEWS 7th anniversary, Kei-chan introduced this song while reminding the fans that they were formed 7 years ago and that thanks to them, they reached that far and hopefully the fans will keep supporting them as they do their best.

The message of this song is really quite endearing and it’s good to see them smiling a lot while singing it. This is just one of the couple of songs in the set list where Ryo let the crowd sing his lines. The little RyoPi moment of course count!

Always together...

D.      NEWS Nippon: NEWS debut song, they sing this moving through all the stages and hanamichis. It was nice to note that the video presentation on the screen showed both their present selves and what they look liked 7 years ago. It was suppose to show them singing the same song with the same lines but of course fans knew who sings each respective lines back then (Uchi! Notti!).

Since then, I’ve seen and heard several versions of this song but when Ryo started straining his voice during the tour; Tegoshi sang some of his lines. I ‘m gonna miss the old arrangement but I can live with this one.

Adorable as ever!

E.       Cherish: Will always be a fave concert song, I miss the poking each other part though since they are all apart in individual stages. I just wished they picked this song instead for the penlight’s tenmetsu mode since it has a lot of furitsuke. TM took the trophy for the most endearing moments throughout the song.

Guys, don't forget the hand movements! Like this!

F.       One in a Million: Pi with LED costume + laser + smoke + wind machine. I actually like MOLA’s melody a lot better and his Engrish was less understandable here but in the end I had LSS for this song. A good song for clubbing, Pi as expected looked HOT but my sister and I was more interested in Yamamoto’s spazzy dancing. Sorry Pi, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to have him dance next to you. Pi was adorable though when he switch his costume to tenmetsu mode.

kyaaaa...2 Pi's

G.     Forever: The penlight was quite pretty amazing, although it was limited to some movements but nevertheless, amazing (how many times will I keep writing this word?). TM just shines in this ballad as they sing. I still laugh at the lyrics for Pi’s rap. The shot of the audience section with the penlight blinking on and off was of course mesmerizing.

Because Shige needs more love

H.     Snow Express: Another classic from NEWS, I just wish they sung the Unplugged version for this tour just for a change. They look quite serious though. I think that my fave performance of this song on a tour would be the Pacific version (why is that?) but costume wise I’d say a toss - up between N.E.W.S and NWPD.

Because i want to

I.        Wonderland: Since this is a dance track, of course I’d be staring at Massu and figuring out the lyrics. This was done on the front stage in preparation for the air gondolas so the entire song is not choreographed. I love that part of just Tego & Ryo singing together.  NEWS sail away! Up! Up! And away!!!! It kinda reminded of the animated movie and 24 hours TV (Zuzu being carried away by the balloons).

And there they go!

J.        TEPPEN: Must have scared Kei-chan a lot! I just watched the member’s reaction as their gondolas drifted higher and higher. Thums up for Massu and Kei-chan who despite their fear of heights did not show it.

Greatest gift ever... thank you NEWS

K.      Kibou ~Yell:  Ryo just enjoying the height and making people worry with how rowdy he was on his gondola (no wonder the staff scolded him), Pi felt like flying and Massu showing his upper extremity strength (it’s like he doesn’t fear the height at all). The rest just leans over and wave over their gondolas (I understand… I’ll freak out at that height too!).

Look at me! See! I'm just simply amazing.

L.       SHARE:  The last song on the set list, a simple melody but remarkable lyrics. I think every NEWS fan cherishes this song. I couldn’t help but smile the whole time they were singing this. They were also singing each other’s parts as well. The lyrics and the story of how this song was written and given it’s title will always be precious. I couldn’t imagine them sing this song without the 6 of them. I hope they get to sing this one on the next Countdown and a part2 will definitely be nice.

Passionate Kei-chan

M.    Fighting Man: The actual performance is actually on the end of the 2nd disc. NEWS randomly speaking English throughout the concert was nice to hear, Pi good job! They didn’t dance that much nor did the adorable poses like in the PV. TegoRyo sang together!!!

one more to go...unto the documentary!

like no other gift, cherished, legendary member ai

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