Uh, guys? The sun just went out..We'll all be dead in 8 minutes.

Oct 06, 2003 14:50

So I have been dorking it up lately and reading 'The Mars Mystery' by Graham Hancock. Mostly out of bordome I guess, but I cannot figure out the point that this guy is trying to make. The cover makes the book look like a tabloid conspiracy story trying to get everyone to beleive that higher beings indeed once live on mars, but I am at chapter 11, and he is only talking about geographical features of the planet mars, namely Cydonia. He has however pointed fingers at NASA on several occasions. People who believe conspiracy stories are always so quick to blame NASA. And he manage to tie Roswell in to this as well. Why am I reading this then, you ask? Because despite this cock-and-bull story that the man has presented as a book, there is real facts beneath some of it, and quotes from famous NASA and independant researchers arguing both sides of the story. It makes for an interesting read, if you are really that bored.

Anyways since that little bit above is most useless, I think I'll stop writing and start reading webcomics. Yay tsunami channel!
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