Oct 13, 2008 08:38
It's quite interesting how our dreams work. I'm taking psychology, finally, and I'm starting to discover the origin of the mysterious cognitive mechanisms we go through during the night. But funnily enough, after hours of studying, I feel as if I've gotten no closer to understanding my dreams. Sure, there are theories and hypotheses but I feel that dreams are what you make them, you, the one who interprets what you see and feel.
Funnily enough, if you look at that statement, it applies to real life as well as dreams. Everything around you is based off of how you perceive it. Dreams, memories, relationships, etc. Guess it goes to show the power of the mind, huh?
So I kinda strayed off my point. What I was gonna say is my dreams have been fairly interesting lately. I've actually been recalling a lot of my memories, possibly due to the fact that I am trying to remember them, and the one most intriguing thing I'm finding is I'm dreaming about people I haven't seen for years to come. Maybe it's my brain's way of telling me...hey..you miss that person! Or something. Who knows, all I know is my dreams have made me thankful for everyone in my life. Every single person. Without them, I wouldn't be here. I may not be exactly where I want to be right now, but being two hours away by car, for now, is good enough.