Two Things!

Sep 25, 2009 11:12

So about the accident, the guy hasn't gotten a estimate yet because his bike is custom and no one wants to guestimate how much that repair will cost. Joy. All I'm hearing is dollar signs. -_- Well despite that he assured me he felt the cost of paying him out of pocket would be cheaper than going through insurance. We'll see if that is true or not.

Pretty much guys, when I get down to the nitty gritty and took pictures of the spot where the accident took place there's no way I can escape blame. There are plenty of ways I could have avoided him if I had been paying attention. The keyword is paying attention. I wasn't. So while it's true he had no legal right to park there I have the responsibility of watching where my bumper goes. And I wasn't. And I didn't have to pull out the way I did either, I had space to go elsewhere. So matter how I look at it I owe him.

The second issue in Jen land is that I may have an opportunity. The opportunity to gain free computer skills. My hours may get slightly worse/better and my pay would stay the same. We have in the library many strange inconsistencies. For some odd reason we hire clerks for every last job in the lib, which 9 times out of 10 has nothing to do with Clerk knowledge. This includes our computer techs dweebs. The higher paying tech clerk is retiring and Gary will take her job. (Yay for promotion for Gary, he deserves it) And my boss has been making it clear to me that he wants me to take the job. My boss has also told me that the library would pay for all of my certifications.

I've been juggling the idea in my head for awhile now, and what my options are. My original idea was to do both grad school and take this job. But my concern with doing that is it might be alot of work. (All work and no play cracks Jen pretty quick) My brother thinks that I should take this job and WRITE instead. For some reason he has alot of faith in my ability and has been pushing me away from going to grad school. This is partly due to the fact that believes that our college system is bloated with people with frivolous degrees who then run to do more school b/c they have no real training or desire for anything. I happen to agree but I really do adore the idea of being a researcher and teaching people to read and appreciate books as a Literacy Specialist appeals to me liek woah.

But when I think about it, if I do as my brother suggests I could find out if I like computer work as a profession and do it as my side job while I write and do my own thing. Or if I adore computer work see what I'd need to do to get more computer training and ditch the lib for a real high paying computer tech job. (the lib only pays Gary a measly 30,000 tier for doing comp work, so we all know he's underpaid.) There are non job related reasons why Gary puts up with this. And if writing and being a computer dweeb doesn't do it for me I can go back to school then, there's no real rush realistically is there?

Any thoughts?
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