More sins against humanity

Jan 21, 2006 22:08

Ohmigod the birdycute it BURRRRNS.

(go comment over there!) this is totally a GIP.

Okay maybe I'll throw a meme in too...

How you know you're reading one of my fics, totally ganked from lazulisong

1. Gender is no excuse. FOR ANYTHING. Relationships, romance, reproduction, yadda yadda, don't go crying to the squirrel about how people of your genital status aren't intended to do X, Y, or Z, because the squirrel got no pity, yo.

2. Somewhere along the way, someone is or gets pregnant. (Remember also #1.)

3. Horrible, horrible things can be funny. See also gaping chest wounds, misappropriation of Mako vats for even MORE nefarious purposes than the usual, etc; unfortunately there's no convenient bookmarks for me to link straight into the middle of chapters of the Table of Merciful Oblivion or the Repeatedly Exploding Schoolhouse sections of Side Effects but take my word for it...

4. Perfectly ordinary everyday things can be gut-wrenching. See also pieces of muslin, tea with your teacher, sleepy kittens, nostalgia trips about one's family life and plans for a vacation, trying to get to ANY ending, let alone a happy one, etc. etc...

5. BEWARE OF CUTE. Pretty much always. I can't even bother linking 'cause, well, EVERYTHING has got some kind of dose of kittens or cuddles or ice cream or something with Big Blinking Woobie Eyes.

6. And then there's the crack. See also Chibivision segments, the entire bloody PREMISE of Side Effects, PlaystationOwning!Kakashi, Mpreg!Gai, MirrorMirrorGothQueen!Itachi, The World's Smallest Anime Music Video, etc. etc.

7. Items 3, 4, 5, and 6 often take place within the same fic, interchangeably.

8. Sometimes they take place within the same paragraph. Usually when Sakura is drunk and thinking of pineapples.

9. Updates sometimes take longer than molasses, and other times come within a few days. Depends on how insane the Real Life is being at any given stretch of time.

10. It's almost always going to be a happy ending, one way or another. even if I have to beat holy hell out of the existing universe to get there dagnabbit, are you listening Squeenix?

(10b. I just enjoy jerking people around a lot until I get to the happy ending. ^___~)

So -- how would YOU define the characteristic elements of one of my fics? ^__^
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