Embarrassing moments...

Oct 13, 2005 21:06

Had one of those forehead-smacking moments this evening.

See, I'm nearly blind without my glasses.

So when I forget something after I've taken my glasses off, my chances of finding it again (or even my glasses in fact) are marginal at best.

So I did my usual exercise routine and was heading for the shower. Only I forgot to get pajamas etc before I got the exercise clothes peeled off. So I went stumbling blind around my apartment groping my way after my pajama drawer and my underwear drawer and grabbed the first two reasonable-shaped objects in each and went and took my shower. Which fogged up the room AND my glasses. So when I put my glasses back on, they weren't helping much.

I still have no idea why it took until I had one leg in the thing and was trying to figure out what to do with the other leg for me to realize that I had not in fact grabbed underwear from the underwear drawer, and that I was trying to put my spare sports bra on my bottom half.

Needless to say, I got my glasses defogged before I went looking in the underwear drawer for something more wearable.

This is one of those things that makes for a great stand-up comedy routine when it's someone else's life, and is just kind of humiliating when it's your own...

I really need a "d'oh!" icon. ^^;; (slinks off to scribble more)

wtf mate

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