
Nov 24, 2008 20:38

So I get home from work, dinner/housework/weights/blah blah blah, put on the kettle, brew a pot of good black tea, pour a little bit of milk into a creamer jug, and set up to keep working on the laptop. Fine, dandy, cat curled up on other end of sofa, life is good.

Sip at the tea, add some more milk, stir stir, sip, type type type, sip, cat still curled up on other end of sofa, completely disinterested in everything.

Finish the tea 20 minutes or so later with no sign the cat has any interest in what's going on.

Get up and go to the kitchen to refill my tea mug with hot tea. This takes about 30 seconds.

Before I even make it back out of the kitchen I hear licklicklicklicklick.

I come around the corner to find the cat with his nose completely buried in the milk.

He looks up at my incoherent spluttering and gaping, blinks a little, licks his nose, and goes right back to drinking out of my creamer jug right in front of me.

Now, clearly the little brat knew it was against the rules on account of how studiously he avoided even twitching in that direction while I was sitting there supervising it, but he did a pretty damn impressive job of trying the complete-nonchalance-might-buy-you-anything 'nothing to see here, move right along' Jedi mind trick on me anyway.

Unfortunately, I was laughing too hard to scold him properly enough to actually discourage him...

rants, kitty!

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