Oh no, I don't want to ruin your slappetite.

Nov 25, 2010 12:39

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To all the lovely Americans on my friendslist, a very, very happy Thanksgiving! This is one of, if not my absolute favorite holidays. Parades, dog shows where I cuddle with Ella, coo at the other dogs, and then tell Ella she'll always be the best to me, food, Pumpkin Chunkin' specials, and of course, pumpkin pie, which is one of my favorite desserts but I will ONLY eat at Thanksgiving.

Since it's a day of saying what you're thankful for, I feel that for once, I'm going to devolve into sappiness. I'm extremely thankful for my family, and by my family, I mean my entire family; the ones who I'm genetically related to, the ones, like my best friend, that I'm not, the two legged, and the four legged. I'm thankful that I'm relatively healthy, mostly happy, have a roof over my head, etc, etc. I'm thankful for my job, which brings me endless joy (as much as I complain about it, which is only ever in love). I'm thankful for television, which never fails to make me feel better, no matter what's going wrong.

And finally, I'm thankful for all of you. It was about a year ago I first ventured out of my shell and into fandom, and it's been an amazing, fulfilling, whirlwind year. I've made so many new friends I can't even imagine my life without, friends who make me laugh every single day and make me excited to wake up in the morning, just so I can check my e-mail. I am so, so thankful for all of you. You mean more to me than you'll ever know or I'll ever be able to tell you.

...aaaand that's about as sappy as I will ever get, ever again. Treasure that. From now on, all emotions will be communicated by arm punches and awkwardness. I'm very bad at emotions.

small fuzzy things are my favorite, less than three

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