it's 12/12/12!!
today is the last time that we'll have the date be the same number (month, day and year) like this for 100 years! I know I won't live to see the next time it happens
I was going to do a dance cover but not only was I not home for the past few days the audio on my laptop still does not work so there would be no way for me to sych the audio to the video the right way.
Instead I'm going to post some more night-time pics of Nadeko~
but this time they're not in the dark!!
I took Nadeko on her first photo shoot outside of my room ^^
I wanted to post pics of her wearing her outfit without all the accessories so I didn't put the bows or sleeves on her
it looked ok but she looked plain and sad
so I put the bows and sleeves on her and she still looked sad
I think she was happy to get her bear back
(oh and she's standing in the pic on the right, I got her to stand in that heavy dress while holding the bear!)
towards the end Nadeko got bored and started swinging her legs so we went home
shot from behind, I thought it came out cute
Happy 12/12/12 from me, Nadeko and Kamui (her bear)!!