Jan 01, 2015 02:32
Happy New Year everyone!
Did you do anything fun?
I didn't do anything, or go anywhere, and no one came over either but it was alright
I just ate the 12 grapes at midnight with my mom and ran out the door to walk around the block with a suitcase
Like usual, I'm going to write my New Year's resolutions here
last year I failed at most but managed to accomplish a few of them
so this year I want to...
1. get a job (in Hokkaido)
2. travel somewhere
3. pass all my classes and boost my GPA by at least 0.01 points so I can graduate as Magna Cum Laude
4. learn to play any instrument
5. buy lolita clothes (for both me and Nadeko)
6. go to more art events
7. improve in Japanese
8. take Peso (and his friends, Tim and Suzu) to many more interesting places for pictures
9. get in shape/increase endurance
10. improve in dancing and record/upload more videos
11. take Nadeko out for photos more often
12. improve in art
13. watch more anime
14. see and spend more time with friends
15. buy a suit
THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting me in 2014!!
I hope that 2015 is better than 2014 was and that you all have a wonderful and amazing new year!
new years,
chibi rat,