I was updating
Classical Nude Desslok with a better version on Deviantart, when I noticed that it is the VERY FIRST result when you search for Desslok. I mean, it's not like it has much competition on the site, being fanart for a show that's almost 40 years old, but still.
The second result? THIS.
http://snapesangel.deviantart.com/art/Desslok-73683617?q=boost%3Apopular+desslok&qo=1 The third result is this and it's actually pretty great.
http://thepostitsproject.deviantart.com/art/desslok-desslok-desslok-175962722?q=boost%3Apopular+desslok&qo=2 BUT YEAH. WE'RE NUMBER ONE! WE'RE NUMBER ONE!
Edit: OH What is this fanfic!?