memorial day, one week later...

Jun 05, 2007 01:09

But it's not like you guys are all that surprised by that, are you? I've finally figured out what problem with blogging on a regular basis: I pretty much think about what I want to write about and then it's sort of finished in my head, so I never actually type it up. (Plus, the 'net is always distracting me with various things; if not what I download, then what I can read. I'm such a bibliophile.)

(Also, totally making this entry through the use of stolen wireless. Ahahaha.)

Anyway, Memorial Day weekend was lots and lots of fun, to put it simply. =D Even ignoring the almost two hour wait we had at a restaurant when we wanted to go out to yumcha (it's a good restaurant; their seafood if disgustingly delicious. However, the price is a little steep and the wait is ridiculous.) Dinner was bbq at my house; yummy! I think only me and my brother finished everything on our plates out of all the kids. I have been told that I have an abnormally large appetite for a girl (but I think the truth is all the people I know just have an abnormally small appetite.)

Of course, there had to mahjongg It just wouldn't be a family gathering without some aggressive gambling going around. (I won $8 altogether from two different games, but my brother has yet to pay me my $2, the cheater.)

Oh, and my dad helped me move my parents' old tv to my apartment. The freakin' huge and heavy (36", I believe) so now I totally owe him a huge ass Father's Day present as compensation. Because after moving that thing and him doing most of the work? Humongous guilt trip. (Large enough to get me to clean up most of the house, only to be messed up in two seconds flat by my brother. Aaargh.) I ♥ my parents&family. (My parents are also huge dorks; I mean watching the national spelling bee on tv? and excitingly calling me over and going "Do you know what that means? Can you spell it?" and then talking about the contestants for the following week? ♥)

For more current news (!!! I know, I'm shocked, too.), I really liked Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (thanks again, aphoriste, for taking me!). It oddly made sense to me. Except for one semi-loose end (i.e. an unexpected relationship)... Oh, and the weird associations I was drawing between it and One Piece. AHAHAHA. (Let's just say, pirate lords?!) And you aphoriste need to visit me at my apartment, now!

I've recently been re-reading a lot of my old favorites (children's, YA's, and adult's books) and finally getting around to buying the books I check out of library multiple times (Anne McCaffrey's Harper Hall trilogy Dragonsong and Dragonsinger, His Dark Materials Trilogy, Tamora Pierce's various quartets, with a focus on the Circle books, etc, etc.) Plus, checking out new fantansy/sci-fi (I should really get around to book blogging!). I've also been re-reading/watching other old favorite manga/anime (Shaman King, One Piece, Gundam Wing, etc, etc.). This does include the fanfic binging I've been doing now that I have free time. ♥ House and Supernatural have the greatest gen fic ever.

I'm almost done watching Supernatural. ♥ I sort of watched it backwards (season 2 and then season 1), which means Danny gets to be mad at me and doesn't have to lend me season 1 disks. (BTW, roadtrip, Danny? And why are all your xanga entires so intellectual? XD) =D I'm now totally hooked. I have such a soft spot for close sibling relationships. ;P And totally freaked. I keep telling myself to not watch episodes at 2AM, god freakin' damn it, but I always do. UGH. THERE ARE REASONS I DON'T WATCH HORROR MOVIES. (From season 1, the freakiest episodes always involved ghosts. Season 2, the clown ep, the doll ep ::shudders::, and other ghost eps.) I can't wait for season 3...!!! (More on this later. Maybe.)


potc3, books, supernatural, family, memorial day

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