Snow day! zomg!

Mar 08, 2008 12:11

I'm on the El-Jay! GASP!

We're now in what the news is cleverly calling "The Blizzard of '08", or as I will refer to it personally, Ye Olde Blizzarde of Aught-eight. I don't know how many inches of snow we currently have, and I'm too lazy to go look. It's a lot, though, and I can't even imagine what it's like for people up north in the snow belt. Franklin County is under a level 2 snow emergency, and COSI was closed today. Well, COSI and just about every other non-essential agency or business, I imagine. Although, apparently Easton will be opening at 4pm. Ah, gotta love America- we need our consumerism, even in the midst of a blizzard no one should be driving in.
SO, I'm here at home, alone, because akicafe drove up to The White House last night. He, Tim, and Ashley were going to go skiing today (I know, right? Snow is for skiing!), and he wanted to head up to their house for the night to avoid the bad roads. Of course it was overnight that we went from a Level 1 emergency to Level 2, so he's kind of stuck up there until the roads clear up and they can either fit some skiing in or he can get back here.
So as I'm by myself, I'm pretty bored, and I've sort of been getting caught up with some of my old internets. I finally got the media PC sharing properly with Lappy-chan (old, decrepit, Lappy-chan), so I was finally, FINALLY, able to get my iTunes libraries sorted out and my iPod updated, my purchases consolidated, etc. I did a bit of organizing, but a lot still needs done. I finally hooked up with a bunch of podcasts I've been waiting to listen to (some knitting ones, some geeky ones, and some that come recommended from my atheist knitting forum [no, rly], like
I've watched more of Firefly on Hulu, and generally been chillaxing. You know, chillaxing is a terrible word. I even painted my nails last night. roffle.
Yesterday I got some errands done (in the middle of the first part of the snowstorm, because I am a winter-walking-pro!), and a bit of cleaning done here at home. Today I hope to finish the last of the dishes that had sort of built up, and the rest of the laundry. Also, watch more Firefly. Oh, and I'm downloading Ragnarok so maybe I can play that again. Except I never really have any time to. But at least it'll be there. And then someday I can finish all the books I have to read, all my knitting projects, finish the half dozen rpg's I have going on the PS2, oh, finish my DS games, and then find the cure for cancer. All this while somehow listening to the 5 hours of podcasts I have downloaded! I will be wonderwoman!
Actually, if I was more proactive in the evening and did less 'sit in front of the tv and only half watch it', and more 'I am going to accomplish x tonight', maybe I'd get more done. Also, I think I should stay up later. I go to bed earlier than I think I need to.
At least I can listen to podcasts on my way to work. That's like 5+ hours of wasted productivity time each week.

So what else have I been up to? Tons of amazing things! No, really, it's been a reasonably exciting winter.

Mike used to ski in high school, but had been out of it for quite some time. This winter he decided to get some used equipment and see how it was to get back into it. Turns out he did pretty well, and we decided that it would be fun for us to be able to ski together. Except that I didn't ski. Given my tendency towards pratfalls, it also seemed like something that maybe I'd do best to avoid. But, I dove in, took some beginner lessons, took some advanced beginner lessons, an viola! In the span of three weeks, I went from total n00b to skiing down my first black diamond hills at Peek'n Peak. Needless to say, I'm pretty damn proud of myself. I really was surprised at how well I took to skiing, since it requires coordination and not a small amount of athleticism, which of course I am sadly lacking. But it clicked, and here I am. The first week we went to Snow Trails, where I took my first beginner lesson, and felt like crap the day after. Not jut because of sore muscles, I also had a cold. Bad times. But the next week (again at Snow Trails), I signed up for beginner classes again, and then found out I was already doing better than I thought. We upgraded to a group lesson that was more advanced. It ended up being a private lesson, but it was very helpful in getting me to the next level.

Emergency update! As of this writing, some of the internets seem to be affected by t3h bl1zz4rdz! Oh noes! No, srsly, some pages are loading and some aren't, and my downloads are going slow. Is it the snow clogging the system of interconnected tubes, or is it that everyone is bored with cabin fever and looking at too much internet pr0n at once?

After the second week, we decide to perform an equipment upgrade, so we go on over to the local skiing guild looking for orihalcon ski boots to replace the gold boots we'd picked up in the previous town.
Mike had already gotten boots from Dick's Sporting Goods (and that was a fucking ordeal, let me tell you- it's like they had every possible type of sporting equipment except for skiing equipment. I think we went to three stores that night), so he got a new pair of skis (I'm using his old pair, which are actually the length I should be using anyway, they were a little too short for Mike), and I got new boots. That sentence had a lot of parenthetical statements. Maybe I should use semi-colons more. I like semi-colons, and I think they are quite possible the most under-appreciated punctuation.
*hits self in head to end non-sequitur*
Last weekend, with new equipment in hand, we went to Peek'n Peak in New York. There was a winter storm last Friday evening as well, so the last part of the drive up was a little hairy, but we made it and woke up to a few inches of fresh, lovely powder Saturday morning! Peek'n Peak was a two-day trip for us (we went down Fri evening, stayed at a Holiday Inn express, and came back Sunday afternoon), so I had a lot of time to really work my way up and push my confidence levels. By the end of the day Sunday I was going down a couple of black diamonds (and a couple of blues that were arguably as hard or harder than some of the blacks...), and it was AMAZING. I finally had the confidence to take this one black diamond run going really fast, and it was so exhilarating! I really can't say how awesome it was. Mike got some pictures and some funny videos of me while we were there. The funny thing is, I fell less than a dozen times total the two days I think, and at least half or more of that was on the green hills or even just on flat ground. On of Mike's videos cuts off right as I ski up to him near a lift, looking cool and confident, and them WHOOP! I fall on my ass. You only see me start to fall on the video, but I thought Mike was still filming and I was laughing so hard because it was such a dumb fall.
So to sum up, I now ski. I kind of wish we'd started earlier in the season but at least I know that once it starts again next year I'll be ready to go!

After further writing, it seems that the 's' key on this keyboard sucks. Also, I don't like its backspace key. It's got one of the giant L shaped enter keys, so backspace is only a single key instead of two and I keep typing rows of \\\\\\\.
Whine, whine, whine. It's till better than Lappy, at least. I have this habit due to where the touch pad is placed and how I hold my wrists when typing on it, of erasing large paragraphs of writing. I blame this as the reason why I never update LJ anymore.

Mike and I purchased a new car, a 2001 Volvo S40. It's red, and it kicks the truck's butt. Although, the truck served us well, and did do a great job of getting my massive amount of crap to and from school senior year, and getting us to cons with uber amounts of DJ equipment. We sold the truck to some random guy down the street who only spoke spanish. This brought to light how little Spanish I remember from high school.
Mike and I are co-owners of the vehicle, so technically it's my first car. Isn't that thrilling? It's also the most expensive thing we've bought together since we don't have a mortgage yet. It's like we're married or something. lol!
Anyway, it' a major improvement, and hopefully someday I'll be able to *gasp* learn to drive in it!
At this point, it's really becoming funny how many times I've had a learning permit. Four? Something like that? We'll see what happens come summer. Clearly, learning to drive in Ye Olde Blizzarde of Aught-eight is not an option.

I think I'm about to the limit of one entry here- plus I should do that laundry I was talking about. Stay tuned for updates about work (why does it always snow on Tuesday nights?!), shows I've recently seen/will see (Holy Grail, Avenue Q, EDDIE IZZARD!!), knitting (I'm knitting socks. No, really. It's amazing), recent reading (I have time to read?), and the doctor that's fixing my jaw for the low-low price of... lots of money. Wheee!
I think I've missed this corner of the internets. Just checking my flist isn't the same as updating.

blizzard, jam, internets, skiing, car

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