May 31, 2011 18:23
I had, I think, an awesome idea. My church, as one of many summer events, is taking a ride on the Cuyahoga Valley Train. I thought that my nephew would have a blast with this, so I ask my brother if I might take his son for that Saturday morning to do this thing.
He thinks on it, and decides that he is concerned that the boy would be too difficult to control because he would be too amped up by this. I need to preface my next statement by with the admission that my brother is the boy's father; he has final say on this subject. However, I cannot take this anything other than personally.
One thing the people at my church would tell you about me, after commenting on my intelligence, is that I have a gift for working with children of preschool age and younger. It's not like I have no stinking clue about how to deal with kids. It is ALSO not like we would be taking this trip solo. I would be with a decent sized group of adults who are (for the most part) parents and grandparents.
I know I need to back off of this thing, that backing off is the wise and perhaps even mature thing to do. But I keep circling this thing like a dog. Or maybe a buzzard.