Just a quick update, 'cuz I didn't think to do it til now..lolz
I'm watching American Idol...not my fault..lolz, it's fun tho. I love giving my comments to the performances with Chris...it's super fun, most of the time we agree, but sometimes we totally disagree, he'll like a performace and I'll hate it. but it's fun. And we both laugh and roll our eyes at Paula when she has trouble speaking, or looks like she's about to fall over, or trying to talk above the mic...lolz. I know, I know, she's on medication, but it's still funny. My roomate from Iraq was on medication and I still make fun of her!
Anywho, I got a spiffy Wacom art tablet for x-mas from Chris and I loves loves lovvvveeesss it!!!! I've been doing s'more art stuff on the computer and I'm slowly learning how to work with photoshop. It's actually more fun this way, than trying to just use a mouse. :D
So, keep checking out my
devart page for new stuff almost daily. :D
I'm going to keep working on my writing too, I've got two writing classes coming up this semester, Journalism and Writing 391. The second one seems to be a challenging class, so I'm definitly gonna step up more. But I did super good with my last classes, I even got a B on my poetry class (which I was scared of, but I did good). :) So I'm shooting for all A's from now on, 'cuz I know I can do it. Well, unless I take a math class..lolz.
Well, I gotta go finish doing some laundry, and get ready for bed...so's I'm outta here. But I'll keep up with this a lil better from now on..I'm still amazed it still existed. :P
Well, g'night now. :P