Kazoku Game thoughts

May 29, 2013 16:58

Ok, there’s only one thing that I’m sure of…..Kazoku game is really a strange, scary and catchy drama. I haven’t see one like this so far.
I’ve just watched the last episode on  streaming and I was like O.O The particular thing of this drama is that you start the episode with your own idea, something like “Oh, sure…he’s definitely mad and the all family is going to have so much trouble with him” and then, after only few minutes of show, you change your mind suddenly and you’re like: “Oh, well….so he’s the good guy after all….Damn, never mind….I won’t have my own idea for this show for the rest of its airing.”
So, episode 7…how was it?
I can tell for sure one thing… I think, well quite sure , that the ending is going to be like the movie’s. Yoshimoto will leave the family behind and stuffs like that.
For what I can tell, Yoshimoto is really trying to save that crazy family. Sure, maybe his methods are a little bit odd, but I think he’s a good guy after all.
Yoshimoto past ( in my opinion):
So, we can all tell that the real Yoshimoto Kyouya was the bad guy, after all. He bullied that little kid, (Soda something, I guess?) and the kid went to Yudai ( I like more his real name, if I might be honest) and told him that he was being bullied by those freaking teachers. He didn’t believe him so the kid killed himself. Yoshimoto, who went a little bit “insane” knowing that he , how can I say it, didn’t help him , decided to “kill”, or at least he tried, Yoshimoto sensei pushing him down the stairs. So now, He want to save all the kids with troubles with school and so on.

My perfect ending?
Honestly, I don’t really know how it will end.
The perfect scenario would be Yoshimoto-sensei killing himself for what he did to the young kid. He save Shigeyuki life, so he can feel free now. I mean, he’s not a bad guy, right? He saved the mother when she was trying to kill herself in the bathroom.
In the end, I can say that I really like Yoshimoto character. ^^

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