Like I said before, Hickland was fun with Sabrina and Michele...the ride up was pretty dramatic because we got a flat tire and since we were in Penn on a Sunday everything was fucking closed for some bullshit retarded reason. Anyway, we got our flat fixed the next day though so throughout the trip we went to the pool, water park, and shopping...but what I really need to talk about is the Monday Night Bingo Game they had at the camp site we stayed at.
We all go in, thinking it's like regular bingo and that it'd be fun and light hearted - but these people were bingo EXTREMIST. Seriously, everyone at this bingo event were so intense....we saw a bunch of old people buy 25 extra boards each...and they were just stackin' em around like crazy mother fucking bingo freaks.
Michele making a house with our extra bingo boards.
We got a few extra boards (cause they were like a 25 cents each or something) and everyone was ready with their markers and bazillion bingo boards until one of the workers named Bingo Boy Tim - who looked like a chubby Scott Pilgrim with his boxers all hanging out- made an announcement that their mic wasn't working.
So the entire game was done with everyone screaming to verify balls and the workers screaming out numbers and for people to stop screaming and it was just a hot mess.
But what really got crazy was when they took the regular bingo cards first instead of leaving them for a special game - the whole room went fucking bananas. It was bingo anarchy. Some fat guy with a goatee jumped up, knocking over his chair like 'WE CAN'T PLAY THIS GAME YOU TOOK OUR BOARDS!" and then old women were fighting and everything just went insane.
Meanwhile we just sat there waiting for them to bring back out the boards - CAUSE THEY WERE WORKIN' ON IT but these people were just such fucking bingo retards that they needed their boards AT THAT VERY SECOND or everything would go insane. Which it already had - it was near riot status for bingo.
At the last game, Michele needed 1 more letter to win and the woman next to her got the last letter and after she called BINGO, Michele sent her the nastiest fucking look...the woman's shirt also said "AMAZING MOM" on the back.
So yeah....Hickland was crazy as in the AM then GNO at 7 with everyone before they all leave for school and shit.
Summer's almost over guys.