Needless to say me and Leah were on that like white on rice.
Also, guys, wanna hear the cutest thing ever?
At work, our Receiver Damian is dating this girl Ally who's the weekend head Ballon Counter Attendant and it's Ally's 21st birthday in August and he wants to do something special.
This morning, he gave me these two huge pieces of cardboard and asked me if I could get
jjournye to draw a template of cartoony mushrooms that he could use as decorations. When I asked him what he needed the mushrooms for he whipped out this NOTEBOOK COMPLETELY DEDICATED TO PARTY PLANNING FOR ALLY'S PARTY.
He's calling it Ally In Wonderland and he's decorating his entire backyard like wonderland. Like he's borrowing random pieces of furniture and a long table from his folks to mimic the Mad Hatter and March Hare's tea party and he bought those crazy flower sprinklers to be the flowers, he's trying to find croquet sets for sale, and he's having all her friends come dress in costume (cause she's a theatre major and her friends do that lol) and he's trying to get a cake that looks like this for her:
And she knows NOTHING ABOUT IT. He's been planning this for months and Ally has not even the slightest idea he's doing all this for her. And the best part is, he actual enjoys doing all this for her. When he was telling me about the plans his face just lit up and he was so excited because he loves her that much that just knowing she would love it was enough of a reason for him to go through all of this for her. It's even greater because she's going be so happy because she loves him just as much.
I found this to be absolutely adorable so decided to share.
It makes me happy when people in relationships really care for each other instead of using each other as a cheap fuck for a few months.