oooooh boy

Mar 30, 2010 23:02

 daddy found the info baruchy sent me about housing and screamed until he was basically blue in the face and so horse he had to take a half-time break to come back and scream more...

I feel so bad that he found the info, but it didn't mean i wanted to do it ASAP just that i wanted to learn more about it...errr so stressful...

in better news, since sabs got grounded and we had to cancel our pokemon date (saddd :C ) me and mimi ventured out into the rain to get coffee and battle pokemon in the cafe all night ahaha

okay tomorrow and thursday is completely dedicated to Wonder Woman paper...

until then...i'm replaying God of War III
P.S. - Fun God of War drinking game

Every time Kratos yells about revenge or vengence or kiling Zeus take a drink~

baruchy, michele, god of war 3, dorms, hgss, pokefagging, daddys, wonder woman, heartgold

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