Big Move?

Apr 20, 2009 09:53

So...  Sweety has been given a choice to make.  They are shutting down his facility as of June.  He can be laid off & get severance/unemployment & continue schhol (full time!!!), or he can move north & keep his job.  I think we've finally decided.  Assuming no snags, it appears we will be moving north, near San Jose/San Francisco area, likely in July.


I'm looking frward to this far more than I would have though.  We're looking at renting a house or condo, but either way, we'll have a garage, washer/dryer, and (hopefully) dishwasher/garbage disposal.  All the stuff I took for granted when we had roomies in Oxnard.  If I'm lucky, I'll have a garden. 
And of course, if we get a house, which I think we'd both prefer, I'll be pushing for a critter.  Frankly, I don't care if it's a bunny, cat or dog.  I want something to cuddle.  Akane is adorable and makes me laugh all the time, but she's still not incredibly enthused by my holding & petting her.  Although I'm very much looking forward to moving so we can set her tank up right.  I bought a clay/sand substrate probably a year ago, but didn't get enough, and the stuff is expensive, so I never got more.  This will be our chance, since we'll have to dump the 50lbs or so of sand currently in it anyway.  The new sand she can actually dig tunnels and caves into.  And I'm hoping I can put some of my plants into her tank (probably not planted, just in pots).  That will increase humidity as well as giving her something very new to check out.  And if they are in pots, I can change whats theye & give her some change every now & then.

Another plus?  Besides the much larger place to live with extra room(s)?  I'll be closer to family.  I'm really, really looking forward to that.  I miss them, even though I've only spent a few weekends with them before.  They are such sweet people and I really enjoy their company.

And I've been dying for a change of pace for a while now.  I've been bugging Sweety to move for a year or two.  I live where we live, but our tiny apartment is monotonous.  Living closer to the city will be fun, I can take the BART in.  And my family up there has a place in Tahoe that we can visit.  Sweety said there are lots of hikes and trails, even though they might be a bit of a drive away.  I think this may be a reason for me to make plans to drive up the coast to investigate NorCal & maybe even make a trip up to Washington & see the island I was born.

Hey, Laura?  Feel up for a trip sometime in the next year or so?

Totally unrelated, but I've become obsessed with Twilight.  I read the 1st book in less than 2 days.  I simply couldn't put it down.  I've been waiting for the 2nd book to arrive at the library (it's been on hold for me).  I got so impatient that I started re-reading Twilight before I found the "Midnight Sun" manuscript (basically the 1st book, from the other major character's viewpoint) and read that over the last 2-3 days.  Sweety is NOT happy about this.  He insisted that I completely ignored him & didn't realize he was in the same room.  I kinda didn't have the heart to tell him that staring at me repeatedly while I read wasn't going to make me pay attention to him, only ignore him more completely because of him annoying me so much.  He really thought I didn't know he was there.  So yesterday I made a point to stare at him each & every time he looked at me.  I couldn't stop laughing at his sneaky attempts to look without me noticing.  I think he got the point - it's not that I don't know he's there, I really was just annoyed that he can't understand why I'm as into books as he is into cars or bikes.
Even more strange?  Reading these books makes me appreciate him even more.  I know we've been together forever and more people think that makes everything better, but it's been worse.  We're not "new" - after nearly ten years (TEN.  Yes, we actually started dating in May of 99.  holy crap.) it's... difficult.  But very recently I've been just staring at him.  And I can't help but smile.  After all the shit he's put me through & vice versa, I still can't glance at him without smiling a little. That makes me feel really good. 
I feel good about the move.  I think it's a good change for both of us. 
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