I don't usually hear chatter in my MP games

Apr 26, 2012 00:26

But sometimes it's so good

Joanna: Hahahaha dude
Joanna: I was just in a gold game with 3 random guys
Joanna: it sounded like they all knew eachother, and they were cracking bro jokes n shit
Joanna: They were making dumb "that's what she said" jokes that didn't even make sense
Joanna: I stayed silent the whole time
Joanna: So we did really well, minimal problems
Joanna: And in the end, I freaking creamed them in the scoreboard
Joanna: One of them was like, "holy shit, how did weemiji beat me??? I thought I was first!!!"
Joanna: The score wasn't even close hahaha
Joanna: If you looked at my medals I had the most gold ones, over 75 kills vs their 25-50
Joanna: So at that moment I pressed the speak button and I did my evil laugh
Joanna: And then I quit the group
Joanna: Hahahahahahaha
Joanna: They were good at surviving and support, but I could tell I was doing most of the killing because like 90% of my shots were killshots, but I kept running out of bullets
Joanna: And that usually never happens
Joanna: Man that was super satisfying hahahaha

Jesse: LOL

Joanna: I thought I took a screenie but my stupid fraps wasn't on
Joanna: Dammit

Jesse: Hahahaha
Jesse: So up to that point they didn't know you're a girl huh

Joanna: I have no clue hahaha

Jesse: XD

Joanna: I mean they saw my screen name, they even said it a couple of times
Joanna: But one of them had a really animu sn and he was a guy
Joanna: SakuraJD or something like that

Jesse: But if ur evil laugh is really deep then they might not know for sure...

Joanna: I don't think it was hahahaha
Joanna: Both diana and joey have complimented me on my evil laugh

Jesse: Lololol
Jesse: Oh man
Jesse: Hahahahaha
Jesse: I feel like u just made their balls shrink into their bodies
Jesse: Not, shrink, but retreat
Jesse: Like a turtle's head

Joanna: Hahahahaha
Joanna: One guy kept going on about how his burps smelled like tacos

Jesse: Hahhahahahahaha mmmm
Jesse: This is so wrong but hearing that just made me crave tacos

mass effect, video games

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