Author: Chibimeringue
Genre: Romance, hints of angst and drama, and the odd humourous quip.
Characters/Pairings: HopexLightning and friends.
Ratings/Warnings: Worksafe. Nothing scary, promise.
Summary: “#05 - Coffee; Lightning is the type who won’t let anything start before the coffee machine - he learned that very quickly.” Written for the
1sentence challenge! (Delta theme set)
#01 - Air
‘Floating on air’ was an understatement - the first time she kissed him, he could’ve been the atmosphere itself.
#02 - Apples
He never had any real preference for fruits, especially after living off coconuts on Gran Pulse - but the day she changed her shampoo to an apple blossom scent, he had a much bigger appreciation for the food group.
#03 - Beginning
In the beginning, they both had everything taken away - and found everything again in each other.
#04 - Bugs
To her surprise, he’s something of a clean freak - she hasn’t seen a single insect in the house since he moved in.
#05 - Coffee
Lightning is the type who won’t let anything start before the coffee machine - he learned that very quickly.
#06 - Dark
Truthfully, Hope was still a little afraid of the dark, only a little; on the other hand, Light refuses to rest in anything but.
#07 - Despair
It was all he felt in the initial l’cie stage, but she stirred new emotions in him that he hadn’t thought possible.
#08 - Doors
Lightning had closed all her metaphorical doors when her parents died, and never expected him to open a new one for her.
#09 - Drink
She’s not an alcoholic in the least but compared to him, even when he came to be legal age, she’s practically a drunkard.
#10 - Duty
It was her duty to rescue Serah and her duty to save Pulse, but over a time, her duty became to love him with all her heart.
#11 - Earth
The crystallized Cocoon that hung above them was like a frozen memory of all their hard work - and the fate that brought them together.
#12 - End
The minute he boarded the purging train, he thought it was the end of his world, and the end of him; Oh how wrong he was.
#13 - Fall
Lightning has a spiteful tongue and a defensive mindset - but he’s grown enough to notice those subtle moments when her walls fall.
#14 - Fire
Every brush or subtle touch, even if not romantic, set her on fire with an emotion she thought would be repressed just like the others.
#15 - Flexible
“I know she’s a soldier, but I didn’t think a body could bend that way - N-no, I was not staring at her!”
#16 - Flying
Even when he was thrown out of the air craft with only Vanille to grasp at, he was still inwardly jealous that she had the bravery to just leap off the ship to their rescue like that.
#17 - Food
In actuality, he was a terrible cook, and only took relief in the fact that so were Sazh and Snow.
#18 - Foot
A foot or a mile could tell the distance between their bodies, but there was no distance between their hearts.
#19 - Grave
Even though there was no body found to bury, she said nothing when he placed a few stones in respect for his mother.
#20 - Green
“What would you say,” she posed a casual question one day, well into their married life, “If I told you I had the same pair of olive green cargo cut-offs?”
#21 - Head
She’s a head taller than him, and it eats away at him every day that he waits to confess.
#22 - Hollow
When his mother died, he was an empty shell of himself; She changed that both with force and kindness.
#23 - Honor
He knew it would come down to either him or her honour, but what he didn’t expect was for her to pick him.
#24 - Hope
She gave him more hope than his namesake ever could.
#25 - Light
She picked her name as a metaphor for the strength she would grow into; he uses her nickname to keep her close.
#26 - Lost
He has no sense of direction - that’s what she’s here for, right?
#27 - Metal
Lightning never let Hope touch her gunblade and told him it was because of his lack of experience; it was because the metal weapon probably weighed more than him.
#28 - New
He used to be so self-centric, it was like she introduced him to the world for the first time through danger and peril.
#29 - Old
“At least with his hair colour, it won’t look so bad when you get old enough to grow grays!” Snow remarked before Lightning knocked out a tooth or four.
#30 - Peace
It wasn’t something she was used to, but he made it comfortable.
#31 - Poison
She never deterred the need for revenge he had been inflicted with, but in the back of her mind she feared how poisonous the effects were on his young mind.
#32 - Pretty
She wasn’t offended whenever Hope said she wasn’t pretty, because he always continued that it was too simple a word to describe her.
#33 - Rain
Rain brought storms, storms bring thunder, but lightning strikes before thunder, and Hope’s never loved cloudy skies more.
#34 - Regret
She regretted little in her life - but it still pained her to imagine the expression she wore the first time she shrugged him off as a liability.
#35 - Roses
He never bothered buying flowers; he had his own thorny yet beautiful rose in the form of Lightning Farron.
#36 - Secret
“No secrets,” he said quietly, “promise me you’ll tell me anything.”
#37 - Snakes
She actually quite liked them, and in return, they loved her - creeped the hell out of him though.
#38 - Snow
‘What a stupid man,’ they thought simultaneously.
#39 - Solid
She was as solid as an infrastructure and just as hard to figure out when it came to the floor plans.
#40 - Spring
If she was like winter, he was like spring; When the cold feelings melt away to welcome a warmer emotion.
#41 - Stable
He envies the stability she has in her life, or at least, makes it look like she has.
#42 - Strange
He’s strange for his age; he’s mature, strong-minded and goal-oriented - and all of a sudden she can’t remember what she was like at fourteen.
#43 - Summer
Hope guiltily admits that he enjoys summer because it promises the return of more revealing clothing - b-but only on Lightning!
#44 - Taboo
“Trust me kid, you don’t wanna know the story behind her stomach piercing.”
#45 - Ugly
Her bloodied, calloused soldier hands were so ugly in her eyes - yet he would always take them into his soft, smooth palms and kiss her gently.
#46 - War
“This is war, and if you don’t want to get killed, you better grow a backbone.”
#47 - Water
Confronting and accepting your feelings for a boy seven years younger than you gave her a whole new perspective on the expression ‘testing the waters’.
#48 - Welcome
Even when she worked late patrol hours, she would return to a sleepy ‘Welcome Home’ from the boy.
#49 - Winter
If he was like spring, then she was like winter; Cold to the touch, but so perfectly pristine and shining when the sun came out.
#50 - Wood
Hope only confessed later - and only to Lightning - that when he fainted that one time, he had actually rammed into the fruit tree too hard and a branch knocked him out.
I’ve never done a theme challenge, but I really wanted to try this. <3 It was lots of fun! And I mean, three of the prompts were Hope, Light, and Snow. I couldn’t not do it.
And, cough, yeah I sort of referenced to a
Distance of Seven Inches on #21. (Even though #17 is kind of going against it, but that’s what disjointed storytelling is all about!!)