Title: (Sleeping) Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Author: Me
Genre: Romance/Humour
Characters/Pairings: LightningxHope (or vise versa, but really.)
Rating/Warnings: K
Summary: “I can’t tell if it’s cradle robbing or cougar town.”
Notes: I needed to write something for Final Fantasy XIII like burning mad. I love Lightning, I ADORE Hope, so
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I absolutely loved this. Really, it's just so cute, and cuddly; even Hope's near-death experience was amusing. I bet if that had been Snow attempting to squeeze in; she's have kept going and finished that swing. x3 The conversation of the troupe in regards to the pair was hilarious, and so natural. Seems even with world-shaking events, people still can gossip. Oh, an idle bit of trivia, Lightning is actually a Puma instead of a Cougar. Cougars are more specifically identified as women between 30 to 40, who are interested in younger men. While, a Puma is a young woman, in the range of her (late) twenties who seeks young men who are just reaching twenty, or younger/slightly older. x3 And, personally, I like pumas over cougars. This means Hope is the 'cub' ... or boy toy. [coughs] Ok, I'm going to stop now. For some reason, I can't help but feel Hope won't mind at all being referred to as 'cub' or 'boy toy'. Ah, Lightning trained him so well. xP
Anyway, thank you so much for writing this! I had so much fun reading, and mentally adding my own snide comments. :D I would dearly love to read more of your works.
God, with the way things go, poor gonna Grow up and forever be her boy toy. xD
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I hope to write more HopexLightning in the future, as well as the one I'm working on now. =u=
So kyoot!
"CHANCE! Take it take it take it take it take it -"
Oh, those hormones. Always givng the best advice XD
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