Apr 16, 2005 00:31
wow, good day...
saw Sin City the third time friday night. took Jon and dragged Greahem (he spells it funny and know i can't think of how). yah totally rocked. saw it for the forth time saturday night. took Tim, he hadn't seen it. again freaking awesome. i love this movie and i can't wait to get the DVD, that way i don't have to watch the Hartigan story... mostly cause it bores me. yes, Jessica is hot but that doesn't change the fact that to story is meh...
woke up and went to work. nothing so specail other then i just like hanging out at work. something good happened before i clocked in, but now i'm fuzzy on what. our run came in so we pulled in all the stuff. not such great stuff cept for one thing but i'll get there. Tera came in and so did this one customer. i will never help this asswhore again. comes in with a print off of our distributers website and wants to order crap. mean i have to call the office and do it manually. call Doug and talk to him and he looks up stuff, (there was alot of crap Doug had to look for) and he couldn't order everything. so i tell the guy this, and he doesn't want to order anything. wasted mine and Doug's time and you ain't ordering, ass. then he's got print offs from our website. mostly just pictures and is like i want this and this and this. had one thing in stock, had to have one sent over from another store and had to DIG, i mean, DIG through our database to find the other thing. get ready to check him out, fucking prick, and he's like oh, i need this ordered to. bullshit you do. the only way to do special orders is too exit the damn program and start over. big yay. oh, he doesn't know the name of what it's called. so he convices Brian to use our computer in the back with net access to get on our website. oh, Tera's backthere scanning in the run. have to stop that for like ten bucks in sales. anyways more time wasted and he gets the name and we get it all done again. asswhore doesn't even pay. he's got store credit the owner gave to him. i did all this for free? fuck that. and the guy was a prick the whole damn time. yah, totally hate him now. he needs to just order the crap from home.
anyways, Brian goes on break and leaves me and Tera in the store for an hour and a half. i really like Tera. most then just cause she's hot. she is hot, but she's also amusing yet still forceful. and she's pretty opionatied. not like i'm right and everyone else is wrong, but she says her mind. oh and she doesn't have a boyfriend, just a toy and an exboy. neither of which seem to treat her too well. the toy even pissed her off when she invited him to Oz Fest. i walked off before hearing anymore then her offering but i got the drift from her voice and face he wan't being nice. then she hung up and stopped talking. Tera doesn't not talk... yah, huged her and talked to her about it. to quote Marv "dames, sometimes all they got to do is let it out, and a few buckets later you'd never know". but yah. Brian came back. we were all in the back setting down. Tera desides to play with the temp tatoos we got. at first i thought she was going to put one on herself but after she came back to the back, i knew what was going to happen. yah, now i have two, one on each hand. she put two on her wrist. very cute, very hot. seems Brian's also telling every girl i'm crushing on that comes in i have a crush on them. he's so useful, saves me the trouble of doing anything but staying the same me. ^_^
told the asain check from Marble Slab (did i mention she asked for me the other day when i was off?) and even Tera today, though i think i'm pretty obvious aobut everything. ^_^ makes life easier not to hide anything. still love Stefani, anyone that talks to me can tell but life goes on.
anyways getting back to the goodness of today. Brian comes back from break and Tera gets off. she doesn't have a ride. she calls her roommates boytoy and he can't get her cause he has no car. i offer, being the nice guy i am (and cause i like her) to drive her home. didn't work out like that. she wanted to deposit her check but i didn't know where a Chase bank was. she said she had no many, sad. we went to Chicken Express (i think she didn't care where we went cause she didn't plan on eating). even in the restaurant when i told her to order she told me she didn't have anym money. the people at Chicken Express were slow today. glad i didn't plan on getting back to work fast... or at all. paid and had lunch with Tera. even after tossing of the trash she asked if we had to leave then... we didn't. yah, that totally put my day in a prefect mood. when i actually got back to work, told Brian nothing could bring me down. he asked if a nut shot would, i told him probably not.
after that, pretty much everyone that came in, was a regular so it was just hanging out with friends. there's this one black guy that comes in alot. works at garden ridge. always comes in wearing the shirt but we have never really said much to him. he's a quiet shopper. anyways, introducted myself and Brian airzokaed him. he's now been dubbed a regular so is now intitled to all the benifets that come with it. hanging out, reading off the shelf and sitting around. we also sit down more and speak more strongly around our regs. maybe it's not profesional, but a friendly atmosheare is a better shopping enviroment we think so that's what we want people to feel when they come in.
anyways the thing that came in on the run i mentioned earlier...
don't remember the name... Kugirimix... that looks right. anyways, it's a japanese toy that dances to music (any sound really). they have neat little bases you can skrew to the top of bottles. but anyways, we got a display kit for them. it's got all six types in there and a base that playes like two or three songs. the songs are so cute. and watching the things dance is awesome. some manga girls came in and totally tripped over them. lots of customers did actually. some thought it was funny, others couldn't stand it. either way it was great how many people actually talked about it today. i think Jon will kill it but it's still great. i want one.
anyways, yah great day. havn't talked to some people like i wanted too, but life goes on. still need to get on ROSE more often and tag all the people... most of the people on my friends list and give them my AIM name so we can keep talking. 'specally Var and Hal. Dream was a fun one to hang out with too... anyways yah, need to do that.
now i have one of the Kugirimix songs stuck in my head.
anyways, it's not late but i have to get up early and i'm going to be up very late tomorrow... up around 8-830ish, work, Rocky starts at 12 and ends at 230ish, breakfast with the cast around 330ish, and start interviewing, finish with that come home and crash then wake up at 10-ish and go to work again. sounds like a plan involving massive amounts of sugar and caffeen. cup of coffee, hold the water.
oh and i did something friday night i hadn't done before. i liked it alot but i'm not saying what it was. no comments about it either. ^_^