Mar 26, 2005 18:24
Yesterday for the first time I went to the doctors and it was not fun I tell ya. It was very embarrassing..... I had to tell the doctor wat was wrong with me, which was...
1.) I have an irregular monthly flow and the fact that I haven't gotten it in 3 months.
2.) How I can't hold my pee and must visit the bathroom quite fequently.
So the doctors tells me that.......
1.) To take birth control pills to regulate my monthly flow and to help with cramps.
2.) My urine sample says that I have blood in it and therefore the doctor has to send it to a lab to see if something is wrong with me, and then from there I might need an ultra sound to see if something is wrong with my kidneys and worst comes to worst, I might need to get tested for kidney stone.
3.) Had to get lab work done, which meant getting blood drawn and let me tell you that hurts. First the lady used my left arm and it freaking hurted when she poke the needle, but the blood would not flow out, so she takes the needle out and starts over on my right arm. That made it worst.... it felt like they're taking something out that really hurts. Ughh... did I meantion that I hate needles.... This is why I might lay off some sucidial thinking for awhile............
Ughhh.... this totally suxs!!!