Apr 23, 2008 12:47
I'm feeling better now, but I'm still pretty weak. To clarify: Alex is not an asshole. He actually left work to take me to the doctor's because I was too sick to drive myself (yay, strep throat!) and then drove me around in search of antibiotics and thai food. He's actually making me lunch as we speak. I'm just annoyed because the nature of my illness demands that we keep our distance from each other and because I"m a huge baby when I get sick. I MISSES MY KISSES!
I have spent the last two days at home gleefully participating in lj wank. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Saw Juno last night. It was good, but not the amazing that I have heard it was. IDK, the snark was cute and Indy, but very 1998. The age of the writer showed through much more than did the age of the actors and as a result the film really lost some of its emotional honesty. Also, can Jennifer Garner BE any more annoying?