Title: Insecurities
Author: Jen
Pairing: TakaYama
Genre: Life & Romance
Rating: G
Words: 423
Summary: College or career? Takaki ponders while Yamada waits...
Notes: My weekly fic posting. xD I don't think I have any more backup fics that are finished so that means I need to get meh butt working! xD
This was written a little while ago, and Takaki's thoughts are based on meh. xD And maybe other high school students. xP Just some thoughts going in meh mind. xP And of course adding the tint of romance! xD Why does this sound like food now? LOL
Thanks to Ani for the summary. NO, not that overly dramatic one. xD
Comments are really appreciated. And yush I know this style of writing isn't my usual one. Mayumi-chan, I told you I would try writing like this And yush usually I hate these types of thinking fics. xD But I guess a lot as been on meh mind? And yeah the genre ish LIFE. xP
Takaki debates on applying to a college. He isn't sure what's best for himself; pursuing his dreams in Hey! Say! JUMP or getting a bachelor's degree for education, which might benefit him in the future. He knows that Hikaru chose career while Inoo chose university. He envies them for already making their decisions. Either way, he knows he's going to disappoint someone, his friends, senpais, or most importantly, family. He always thinks that he should live up to expectations but he finds out that it's harder than it looks. After putting in lots of thought, he finally decides that as long as he doesn't regret his own choice and thinks about his own happiness, that's all that matters. He texts Yamada. I want to talk to you.
Yamada worries a lot especially his relationship with Takaki. After all, it's his first relationship. The main issue is the age difference between both of them. Sure, three years doesn't seem much but it does make an impact especially at this age. He wonders if Takaki will go to college or university while he's off in high school. He's scared... scared that Takaki will leave him, forget him if that ever happens. Yamada doesn't want to show this side to Takaki. He doesn't want to bother him yet he can't help but feel this way... possessive. So the day comes when Takaki wants to have a talk with him. Anxiety builds up in his chest, almost as if he can't breathe anymore. But Yamada knows that Takaki knows... that this is necessary...
Yamada ends up being surprised as he finds himself in Takaki's comforting arms. "T-Takaki-kun...?" His voice barely comes out as a whisper.
Takaki's response is only portrayed through his actions.
Yamada feels his cheek pressed closer against Takaki's chest. He can hear the steady heartbeat. And Yamada waits because he knows that Takaki has something to say... his reply...
"I love you, Yamada," Takaki says, his breath close to his ear.
Yamada grabs onto Takaki's shirt to keep himself from falling. A big relief washes over him, finally knowing Takaki's answer. "I... love you, too... Takaki-kun." Yamada wraps his arms around Takaki's waist and buries his head into Takaki's shirt, inhaling the familiar scent.
The next thing Takaki says makes Yamada's eyes brim with shallow tears. "All that matters to me is... you." Takaki kisses his forehead lightly as Yamada feels his stomach flutter and cheeks burn, just like the first time... he had confessed and gotten together with him.