Title: If Only He Could Make Him Forget...
Author: Jen
Pairings: Arijima (Daiki x Yuto), Okajima (Keito x Yuto), & DaiRyu (Daiki x Ryutaro)
Genre: Angst & Romance
Rating: PG-13 for language
Words: 1765
Summary: *points to title once again*
Notes: It's Daiki-centric this time~ Yush it's a sequel/connected to
If Only Time Could Stop... Haha my longest title ever. xD
For the pairings, I included romance wise and friendship wise. xD
Yeah I felt emo once again and got inspired to write this. I was listening to Prisoner of Love by Utada Hikaru and Orion by Nakashima Mika. xDDD Those are pretty powerful songs~ xD And sad of course~ Okay maybe a bit more emo than usual with the language...
I was surprised not many people commented asking, "What about Daiki?" Saw a bunch of 'Poor Keitos" xDDD So here you get to see Daiki's POV. xP I think I made all 3 of them messed up... okay maybe not. Yuto ish the most messed up one. xP
Comments are really appreciated! Angst isn't my kind of thing but I write based on my mood. xP FAILS
Daiki bites his bottom lip as he sees Yuto kissing Keito like there's no tomorrow. Well, there probably isn't a tomorrow for them...
"Be with Dai-chan... and be happy with him..." Keito murmurs. "Okay?"
Daiki fights back tears, whether it's from the fact that Yuto was liking Keito at the same time as him... kissing him... or the fact Keito is letting Yuto go. Keito is just too... he doesn't even know how to describe Keito. He's blushy yet shy... he was showing his true self lately... but somehow that always happens with Yuto...
He's selfish similar to anyone else like Keito, wanting Yuto for himself. But to see his good bandmate and friend suffer, guilt grows in his heart. Why can't love make everyone happy? Why does someone have to suffer at the expense of others?
The two finally break apart. Daiki sees Yuto pulling Keito in for another kiss but the Engrish boy pushes him away firmly, shaking his head furiously as tears roll down his cheeks. Keito rushes out the door with a hand over his mouth as Daiki watches him go by. He's standing at the other side of the door. He peeks in and sees Yuto with his face buried in his hands, shaking. Daiki isn't sure if he should go in because that would mean that he saw the whole thing. He decides to slip his hands in his pockets and leave.
His walking changes into a jog and then a run into the hallways of Jimusho. When he reaches the empty HSJ dressing room, he pounds the wall with a fist, head against the hard concrete, panting hard. What should he do? His mind is conflicting with his heart.
He feels a familiar pair of slender arms wrapping around his waist and tenses a bit. Daiki knows it's Yuto and all he can do is lean into the embrace as if nothing is wrong. Wetness sinks into his thin T-shirt. Yuto isn't trembling like he was earlier. It was more like the tears couldn't stop from a... heartbreak.
Daiki doesn't understand how or why Yuto fell for Keito too and could still have feelings for him. He can see why though. Keito's shyness and kindness. He doesn't see much of that these days, a boy so innocent... that makes you want to protect him... Now insecurity is on his mind. What if Yuto leaves him? What if Yuto... liked Keito mo- He stopped himself from continuing on. No, he should just be content with the progress and thank, no... be grateful to Keito.
He decides to have Yuto fall in love with him slowly, to make the feelings for the Engrish boy lessen. He'll be the one protecting Yuto, loving him with all his heart. And he'll be patient because he knows that feelings just won't go away at the spur of the moment.
The grip on him grows tighter as he hears a sob escape from Yuto. He closes his eyes and covers Yuto's hands with his own, squeezing it. "Yuto..." escapes from his lips without him realizing it.
Yuto doesn't say anything but Daiki could tell he was crying harder. The BEST member pries the arms off of him so he can take a good look at Yuto's condition. His heart falls as he stares into Yuto's puffy eyes for a split second. The one thing that he was afraid of... regret.
Daiki cups Yuto's face with one hand and the other is holding the back of his head gently. Yuto's lips are quivering as a sound slips from his mouth. "K-" But Daiki doesn't let let him finish as he makes their lips meet, silencing him. He doesn't want to hear the name coming out of Yuto anymore. It's already painful enough, seeing the regret. Regret... for being with him. That... Yuto would rather be with Keito. It makes him panic so he wraps an arm around the thin frame, kissing firmer.
He's not getting much of a response from Yuto except the fact he's tasting the fresh tears. He breaks the kiss, his forehead against Yuto's. "I'll make you forget him..." he whispers.
Yuto finally reacts to him as he says those words. His eyes widen a bit but then he diverts them down on the ground.
Daiki wishes that Yuto wasn't weak... like himself... so insecure at this. He never had this problem, more like his first time. Yuto is his first love... first boyfriend... and he wanted it to stay like that. Be the first...
"You can't..." Yuto says clearly. Daiki's eyes are stung with tears as he takes a deep breath, his heart tightening. He pretends he doesn't hear and forces a smile, crushing him against his chest. "You can't..." Yuto repeats but in a softer voice, fading away.
Yuto seemed so distant from that day on. Whenever someone calls out a "Keito!" or an "Okamoto-san!", he flinches and turns to look for the said name.
Daiki continues to ignore these little details and instead, starts to distract Yuto whether means of dragging him out on a date or making out. The relationship seems to be one-sided and on the physical side but Daiki drags it on, pushing down the feelings.
There are times where he wants to yell at Yuto for many things. "Why are you being such an asshole about this? Why aren't you paying attention to me? Look only at me! It's been months... months!!! And I have been patient all these times. But whenever I look at you, you're always looking at him. Why? Why??? What the fuck does he have that I don't, Yuto? Yuto... I want your love... all of it. Call me selfish but... can't you forget him? I have tried... tried so hard... I don't know how long I can last like this... my heart is breaking... crumbling... shattering... It hurts..." Daiki knows Yuto is hurting, too. As for Keito... He can tell that Keito's laughs rings of sadness, not happiness. Ironic, isn't it?
Daiki keeps forcing a smile. He knows it's bad that he has no one to rant this out, too. That he'll break down one day, everything bursting and crashing into oblivion. And the day it happens...
He pulls Yuto into his lap, settling on the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent that he loves. The 7 member doesn't seem to acknowledge him and continues staring off again. Daiki notes how Yuto's hands clench into a fist as he sees Keito with Ryutaro. Daiki pursed his lips and just places a kiss on Yuto's cheek. That still doesn't get his attention so Daiki maneuvers himself and kisses Yuto, deepening the kiss whenever he had the chance.
Kissing Yuto is like kissing a... wall. It's cold and it'll never kiss back. It'll just stay there, being a wall. Yuto's mouth is moving but his eyes are somewhere else. His heart just isn't into it.
The only time Yuto actually seems Yuto is when someone gets close to Keito that he feels threatened... jealous... Yuto breaks the kiss and yells out, "Ryutaro!"
"What?" the youngest member answers, tilting his head. Keito's eyes are shifty as they look anywhere but in Daiki's and Yuto's direction.
Yuto's eyes flicker hurt and Daiki snaps. It just does. He grabs Yuto's shoulders and shakes him hard. "What the fuck?! What. The. Fuck. Yuto."
The room is silent as Yuto, too, actually reacts for once with him. His eyes are big with shock and maybe a tint of fear. Probably because Daiki never raised his voice or even cussed in his whole life out loud.
"I can't take it anymore!!! Why do you keep stringing me around to your convenience?!!! Why don't you just break up with me already?!!! You might as well say, "I love Keito!" But no!!!! You have to make me fucking suffer!!! You're not the only one suffering here!!! Even Keito is suffering!!! But you're not doing anything about it!!! You just sit there like a moping, emo idiot hoping that someone will do something!!! Are you saying that's my job? Well you got your fucking wish!!! We're over!!!" Daiki yells, as tears of frustration race down his cheeks, stomping out the door, not even looking behind to see if Yuto went after him.
Maybe some tiny hope inside thought that Yuto was actually going to. Daiki collapses down on the ground, not even noting where he was in Jimusho. He just didn't care anymore... He hears footsteps getting closer but his disappointment washes over him as he sees it's not Yuto. But...
"Dai-chan?" a small voice calls out, inching closer.
Daiki doesn't bother to wipe his tears away. "What Ryutaro?" he replies, his voice cracking. A 13 year old who didn't have to go through love... yet. He was lucky... Daiki wished he was still 13, clueless and still learning. Ryutaro didn't have to go through hardship yet... and this excruciating pain.
Ryutaro takes something out of his pockets and offers it to him. A handkerchief. "I know I may not know what's going on with you two... but I hope things will get better. And I can do is give you this..."
Daiki looks at the handkerchief and then at Ryutaro and back at the piece of cloth. He finally reaches out and takes it, wiping his tears. "S-sorry..." he says in a wavering voice.
"What for?" Ryutaro smiles. "When even one member of Hey! Say! JUMP is unhappy, everyone's mood is the same."
Daiki nods slowly. "I'm causing trouble... and such..." He doesn't know what else to say than this.
"Let's not worry about that because you're not. We can't help how we feel, right?" Ryutaro asks with that same smile. "And... you probably had a lot of stress built up to say what you had to say right? Dai-chan isn't a bad person. I know that... so there must be a reason."
The BEST member looks down as a small smile forms. "Thank you..." is all he can say.
Ryutaro plops himself beside Daiki at a reasonable distance, both of them there in silence.
"Umm..." Daiki looks to his left to where Ryutaro is sitting, unsure, like a lost kitten. "Do you mind... if I hug you?"
Ryutaro blinks before scooting closer into Daiki's wide and open arms, giving a nod. The older boy wraps his arms around the younger boy's smaller frame, hugging him tightly. Daiki closes his eyes, murmuring as droplets of tears fall into Ryutaro's hair, "If only I could make him forget..."